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Riyanna at top/side

As soon as he's pulls the car in the grassy yard and puts it in park I shove the door open and get out before he can say anything to me. The yard is already filled with peoples' cars, many of said people scattered around the yard with red solo cups in their hands. The music coming from the house is loud as hell. It's so loud I feel the vibration of each beat in the ground.

It's been a while since the last party I've been too, so the scene is a little bit overwhelming. The smell of smoke, dirt and alcohol mixes into the night air as I make my way towards the front door which is wide open with those black magnetic screen thingys in it to keep the bugs at a minimum. Not like anyone would notice a couple flies. Everyone's too engaged to the music.

When I step through the threshold, the first thing I notice is the amount of people crowed in the living room, dancing and giggling to the loud music. The tension I felt from being in the same space as Zayn slowly eases. Getting in the party mood, I slowly begin to move my hips to the rhythm of the beats.

A small smile takes over my face. I sway when maneuvering around people to get to the kitchen for a drink.

Since I don't want to make a fool of myself, I settle for a wine cooler. Kiwi-strawberry.

After a couple sips I make my way back to the dance floor.


I jump at the sound of my name and whirl around to see who called. When I spot Emma  with James in tow, I smile big and bright, squealing because the both of them were matching. Emma wore a shiny forest green dress that stopped just above her knees. Her curls were now short, not even hanging like they used to. Only a few inches longer than Zayn's fuzzy buzz cut. Instead, I was getting a calm vibe from her. . James wore a forest green fitting tshirt. His lower half cover with a pair on black jeans. They were fücking cute.

"Oh my god! Look at y'all!" I rush to them and hug her and James tightly. "How cute. You're matching!"

Emma blushes but her smile brightens. "Thanks. You look amazing..." Emma did a double take on my dress, "NO WAY! That's THE dress! Ohmygod?" I laugh, blushing slightly. I give her a twirl with a goofy grin.

James rolls his eyes but had a smile on his face. "You two are gross as fuck. Where's the drinks?" James voices, lifting a shoulder. I point towards the kitchen and James takes Emma's hand to head that way. "We'll be back, bum." And with that they disappear into the crowd of dancing bodies,

With a slight shrug, I begin dancing again. A couple girls from my gym class come up to me, dancing and having a laugh with me as the songs change.

I'd say I was dancing for a good forty minutes before I felt a pair of strong, rough hands grip my waist. It startles me so I drop my empty wine cooler on the floor. I turn around to see who it is that grabbed me so suddenly.

I don't recognize the guy. He's got tan skin, probably mixed. His long hair is braided back on his square head. He's cute, but not Kyle and Zayn cute.

I cringe away. "Uh.." I start to speak up but he quickly grabs ahold of my wrist and pulls me out of the crowd of still dancing, drunk noises and towards the stairs. My eyes widen as I struggle in his grip. "Let me go!" I frown.

He doesn't say anything still, just drags me. I trip over my feet more than twice before he abruptly stops and shoved me against the wall in the hallway of the second floor. The music and sounds of people can still be heard very clearly. I glare at the guy. "What the hell!?" I start to shove him away but he grabs ahold of my wrist and pins then above my head.

My heart has totally gone into overdrive by now, I'm starting to hyperventilate. "Hey there," the guys raspy voice speaks out and I wince.

"Let me go." I urge, wriggling. He shakes his head.

"I can't do that. See...your little boyfriend, no, boyfriends owe me some money. A lot of it at that.." his breath stinks. And it's not because of alcohol.

I hold my breath. Kyle and Zayn? Owing him money?

Sounds about right.

"I have nothing to do with that! Let me the fuck go!" He presses his large body over my small one to hold me in place. I want to throw up.

"Oh, nonono..." He sends me an ugly smirk. "I can't do that, darling. Not yet anyway," he tightens his grip on my wrist with one hand while the other comes down to grab at my face. He squeezes my cheeks together so harshly they start to hurt and a throbbing pain shoots through my face.

Tears weld up in my eyes. "You're a pretty one." He states. A tear slips. "I won't hurt you. Yet... just want you to deliver a message, kay?"

Instead of fighting back, I nod hesitantly.

"Tell your boyfriends that Derek wants his shit back. They've got a month before I take matters into my own hands." And with that he lets go and disappears down the stairs.

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