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Shakily, I slid down the wall in the hallway. Without knowing it, I grab for my phone in my bra and find Zayn's name.

It rings four times before he picks up.


I sit there for a mintue, silently.

"Riyanna? What's up?" He sounds less harsh then when he first responded.

The thought that Derek dude floods my mind and I begin to cry. "Can you take me h-home?" I stutter into the phone, gripping it like my life depended on it.

Zayn's saying something to someone before he speaks to me again. "Uh..yeah. Where are you?"

I tell him where I am. I didn't want to stay here any longer. All the fun I wanted to have went right out the window when that guy grabbed me up the way he did. I've never been so scared in my life.

After some minutes, Zayn's standing in front of me, a puzzled look on his face. "Why are you even crying?" He squats down to my level, grips my chin between his thumb and index finger. I sniffle.

"I-I'll tell you when you get me home."

He only nods, standing and pulling me up with him. He wraps an arm around my shoulders, lets me lean into him as he walks me back down the stairs.

I feel bad for leaving so early, Emma and James literally just got here.

On the way to the house, Zayn's gives me cautious glances every few seconds. It's funny because just almost two hours ago he was glaring burning holes into my skin.

When we got to my house, I quickly clambered out of the car and rushed to unlock the door. Zayn followed close behind, a cigarette I hadn't noticed he lit hanging from his lips as he enters the house after I do, closing and locking the door behind him.

I take a seat on the couch. I toss my phone and keys somewhere on the round coffee table  before crossing my arms over my chest.

Zayn takes a seat opposite me, burning out his cigarette on the candle next to him on the lamp stand. If this were any other day, I would've fussed at him about even smoking in my house.

"So.." he glanced at me. All signs of annoyance gone, "what happened?"

I take in a deep breath, my hand absentmindedly rubbing against one of my sore cheeks. "At the party..." I begin, slouching unattractively against the back of the couch, "this-this guy grabbed me," I noticed Zayn's face scrunch up. It was weird to see him care.

"Aw shit. Was it in a bad way?–"

I shake me head. "I mean yes, but not like that, no." I assure him. He nods for me to continue. "He knows me..knows I know you and Kyle. He-" I gulp, "he told me he wouldn't hurt me.. "yet"." I air quote with wide eyes. Zayn looks deadass.

I continue. "He told me to tell you guys that you've got a month to "give him is shit back". And his name was Derek or something.." I see Zayn flinch at that name. He tries to cover it up but I saw it. I furrow my eyebrows. "Who is he?" By now my tears have dried up and nothing but the crust of them left on my cheeks. I wipe them gently.

Zayn doesn't answer for a while. Just sits there and stares at his feet.

"I gotta call Kyle real quick.. stay here," and he gets up, pulls his phone from his pocket and heads into the kitchen with a serious expression on his sharp features.

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