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This will more than likely be the only chapter from Zayn's perspective. It all depends on how the story unfolds


When I walk into the kitchen, sure that I was out of ear shot of Riyanna, I dialed up Kyle. I really didn't want to call the bastard but I had to. We're in deep shit now.

He picks up after a few rings. "What? Did something happen to Riya!?" He sounds panicked. I chuckle humorlessly.

"Hell. Almost." I mutter. Kyle curses me out for some seconds before I butt back in. "Derek got ahold of her. At Dasha's party."

Kyle sucks in a large breath. "What? Where the fuck were you!? Where is she!" I roll my eyes.

"She's safe. For now. The bastard told her to tell us we had a month before he does what he wants to do. Kyle you better get your ass back down here before the end of the month.." I hear shouting on his end. Then I hear him sigh heavily.

"Fuck." He whispers. I agree silently. Peeking out into the living room, I see Riyanna still sitting on the long couch, her head leaned back like she's staring at the ceiling.

I knew I'd fuck myself over if I got my ass involved with that shithead Derek. I just knew it. But he was a good talker. Talked my ass right into. Kyle too.

I run and hand over my shaven head, kind of missing my hair.

"You can't leave her."

I choke on air. "What, am I supposed to stay the night? Her mother lives here too you know!" And I didn't want to stay here with her anyway. I had things to take care of.

Kyle groans. "Zayn, so help me God. Stay. With. Her. I don't car how you do it, but stay. Derek probably knows where she stays. The dude is fucking crazy." And I hate that he's right.

Derek was one of the craziest dealers' I knew. Obviously his sanity was a red flag but we paid no attention to it. We'd stole from that man I don't even know how many times. Someone who knew about what we were doing must've snitched..


"Fine." And I hang up. Discussion is done.

When I make my way back into the living room, Riyanna's on the phone.

"Calm down, Kyle." She says into the phone, her free hand pressed up against her temple. Her tears have dried up now that we're in the safety – at least for right now – of her home. "Yeah, okay....Huh?......Ok–WHAT?! NO! My mom will be here in less than two hours, Kyle. He can't stay here."

I take the seat I was in previously, leaning back against the chair.

Riyanna's fluffy hair bounces each time she moves her head. The silk dress she wears shines under the moonlight slipping in through the curtains. It's just now that I realize we haven't turned on a single light. Reaching over, I click the lamp on. She glanced at me but continues to listen to Kyle silently.

After a while, she nods her head like he can see her. "Okay. Fine.... yeah, love you too. Bye." She hangs up and huffs out a breath. "If you spend the night you need to park your car further down. And my mom will be here soon so you'll be cooped up in my room until she leaves in the morning."

I shrug, unbutton a few buttons on my shirt. "It's hot." I state, fanning my myself. I'm only hot because the turn of events. Riyanna sighs.

She stands - the material of her dress hugging tighter around her chest area when she leans forward - to go turn the air on.

Even though I'd never admit this aloud, Riyanna was a bad one. The dress she'd chosen to wear to the party fit her curves so well I had to look away before I got carried away.

She's still standing, but now she's by the stairs. "C'mon, dumbass." She insults me. I ignore it but get up nonetheless to follow her up the stairs.

She opens her room door, waits for me to enter. I sigh. Taking a seat on the little chair by her vanity, my eyes scan her room. It seems to fit her personality. Lavender walls, white book shelves and dressers. Her bed sheets are a dark purple, shimmering from their slick material.

She sits on the bed. "You'll be sleeping on the floor over there," she points to the side of her bed that isn't visible from the door. I nod.

Standing, I shove a hand in my pocket to retrieve my keys. "I'll be back, then." With that said, I walk back out of her room and down the stairs. Out the front door,  I hop back into my car and park it at the end on the street. Never noticed it was a dead end street.

When I return to her room, she's already in her pjs. She's placed some sheets on the chair I was just sitting on. I notice her small figure curled up under her sheets.

"Thanks." I mumble, going to the side she points to and laying the sheets out.

Her eyes widen when she sees that I'm taking off my shirt. I smirk. "What are you doing?" She frowns at me.

"I sleep in my boxers." I shrug. "That way I don't get too hot."  I slip my pants down, fold both the shirt and the pants up and lay them beside her nightstand. She rolls her eyes but says nothing else.

Laying down on my back, I stare at her ceiling. She shuts the lamps off, engulfing us in complete darkness.

"Night, asshole."

I chuckle. "Night, Princess."

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