Search Operations Of MI Na

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Dad please save me.
She cried out loud.
Shut up little girl.
Park said. She was crying all the time. Shi jin on the other hand quickly track down his phone and reached at the base with his team
. Harry Potter and snoopy rescue mi na, wolf and I will find park Kim si and poler bear will find the memory chi
. Yes sir.
Shi jin gestured mi na to be quiet and grabbed Kim si from the back,when Dae young came  and punched him hard both of them were hitting him when Harry Potter and snoopy took mi na away and polar bear found the chip and returned it to the headquarters.
The mission went smoothly and they reached the hospital mo yeon was shifted to the normal ward and shi jin held her hand. She was still unconscious. The new doctor said
there is a blood clot
Dad what is a blood clot
. When the blood deposits at one place and dries up it is called blood clot
. Dad that bad uncle Was also like a clod in our life right, now he is removed and now don't worry mom will soon get up
. She soon woke up.
Shi jin, mi na she is safe you saved her.
Yes mo yeon ah come let's live a happy life like we used to have. She took her hand back and said.
Shi jin I think we should live apar for the time being.
No mo yeon I can't live without you.
For your satisfaction I will buy a house near yours
. Mom, dad are we buying a new house.
Yes mi na go uncle Choi will buy you an ice cream
. Mo yeon think of her.
Just for some time shi jin please.
OK just for you.
Thank you. She hugged him with urgency and as soon as they broke it he kissed her
. She will be discharged in the evening.
Mo yeon cried whole night and mi na was with shi jin

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