EPISODE 25:He Took His First Steps

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Shi jin was delighted the whole time in the barracks because of what happened few minutes ago. :- Shi jin's phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket. Mo yeon had sent a vedio clip where, his son took his first steps..... He again pulled out his phone and played that vedio. He could see Mo yeon looking pale. He called her and asked. Mo yeon are you fine?..... Yes, I'm fine, it's just a little cold..... A little cold, you didn't even bother to tell me, I would stay with you. I'm coming, I was free. You should have told me..... He then straight away entered his home. He entered and without noticing the presence of children outside their room he went inside and straight away embraced her. Shi jin get away...... But why, you were never like this.... She was looking at her son who fortunately was only one year. He turned and saw him. Ah my child, you are so cute..... Oh, this is so embarrassing..... She hid herself under the covers and literally smiled. On the other hand, Shi jin thought that it was a big mistake to go to his son who started pulling his hair while pouting. Don't worry my son you will be as handsome as dad when you grow up but don't ruin my handsome style. Then Mi na took her little brother in her arms and he was relieved. Thank you sweetie. He rushed towards her and hid along her in the covers. Ah, it's comfortable.... What happened, I don't know but today he is not letting anyone hold him on one place and he wants to run everywhere around.... Do you know, you are just like my ideal woman. A cute one equally a. He winked instead of speaking forward.
Flashback (in the Flashback, I would use the inverted commas for speech)
They were sitting in silence because Shi jin and Mo yeon had a great fight. Their friends were there to help them. Actually him because he was at the fault. Mo yeon was burning in anger while he was sitting timidly. She never eyed at him that time but thought about him. She thought that he should be like that because after they leave, she is going to kill him just because she saw him with another girl who was actually Dae young 's cousin whom he hated because even her brother hater her (Dae young). They were constantly chatting. After some time Mo yeon excused herself and moved out in the moonlight. She moved close to the figure beside her and rested her head on his shoulder. He was  Shi jin. She didn't realize at first but she could judge it from his heartbeat. "I'm sorry." "For what? I'm not upset with you, don't worry about what happened in the morning, meyong Joo told me everything right now." he circled his arms around her.        Meyong Joo was looking at them as if she is a little girl asking for a candy. "How romantic, Dae young is boring, I don't know, how did I love a man who is always blank faced. (truly) unlike him, he smiles at you, speaks about you, kiss and hug you hold your hand , he might have done much more - " "Shut up." Shi jin was giggling and stopped when Mo yeon glared at him. But besides the Dae young was again expressionless. "Erh, true enough, all that you've said.". He smiled at Mo yeon and she smiled back at him. They went back and after they were back Meyong Joo turned and went straight to Dae young and knocked him down with her finger but then came to know that he drank too much.

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