Episode 14 :You Spoke

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Mo yeon returned to the home after few surgeries which went well. She came out in her bathrobe. You look sexy. She looked at him in an irritated way.
So what did you want to show me.
This. He sowed him a vedio where Hyun soo spoke
Oh my baby you Spoke.
Yes he did.
so cute, just like his father.

He remembered how she ignored him on the first day of the gym. He kept saying "mo yeon,...." but she was asleep.

Next day
MO yeon went for the shoot and behind shi jin saw her on the television. She was looking expectationally  pretty today. Mi na was shooting him from behind it was Sunday, her show came up on Sunday also now.
Wow dad mom looks so pretty like snow white.
Yes I agree
. Ji soo come let's play hotel game
. OK.
Shi jin was on his way to pick mo yeon when he saw a man hit by a woman when he got out he asked her.
What happened.
He tried to kiss me.
Oh good keep going. Mo yeon accidentally saw them.
Shi jin who was she
. She was hitting that boy so I helped her
. Really, how sweet.
Come, the show was good
. You watched it
. Yes.
Did you have your breakfast
. Yes, Ji soo has come
. You left them alone.
No Dae young is there.
They were talking when Dr Kim stalked them. Hy nice to meet you again.
It might be nice for you but not for me.
Mo yeon was surprised by the way he spoke. I had come to pick my wife up.
Is she your wife, you are too good for her
. Please let us go and I prefer never meeting you again.
Shi jin what happened to you, you Spoke to a beautiful girl like that.
Well, I could see someone prettier.
Oh so who was that.
Who else but my beautiful wife. Kim was simply looking at them and thought why her, why not me, then she turned and saw the boy who was hit and said
Hey man I am doctor Kim. Mo yeon reached home her journey was full of laughter. When Hyun soo was playing with a stuffed animal the milk accidentally fell down. Mo yeon was passing by and she accidentally fell down but shi jin was there to catch her. What happened you almost fell down.
Sorry the floor was slippery
. He then smiled and nodded. Mo yeon took a step forward and again fell but this time on the bed on the top of Shi jin.
Why are you like this today.
I don't know. Shi jin smirked  and sooth her back. She then got up and mi na  was shooting every thing.  .
Ya, how can a soldier like you get flu.
She bought a bowl of chicken soup.
Come on feed me.
He finished it up. Mo yeon got up and took the tray.
Let it be on the side table I am sick take care of me
. He pulled her close and slept holding her tightly.
A text  came from the group of ' soldiers girlfriends
' wow they got the results., she is pregnant
. She slept again.
Next morning shi jin went for a mission and mo yeon for her surgeries they dropped Hyun soo at Meyong Joo ' s place. Shi jin came to pick her in his uniform.
Oh you are wearing your uniform.
Yes, you said I look good in it.
Yes you do.
I have to pick up mi na also.
He held mi na in his arms. Mi na is your dad a soldier. A friend of hers asked. Yes. Wow, he can carry me along maybe. Yes I can come on my back. Shi jin who is this cute little boy. Aunt my name is kwanjoon. Mom teacher said that his parents are busy so he will be coming with us.
OK where do you live.
Just next turn uncle.
OK here we go.
Mi na your dad is very strong
. Thanks.
So what does your father do
. He is a soldier like you
. Oh well if it is like that I would like to meet him.
OK I will tell him
. After dropping off the boy , he drove off to the home.
Mi na come and have your meal. They all sat up. The table was full of laughter.
Hello, yes sir, OK sir....mo yeon I have to -. He was cut off by her. You have to go to the department store again.
No I have to make a report

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