Episode 7:loves Me

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Mo yeon asked shi jin weather he would like to be out for some research on Buddhists as their daughter has to make a project. Which he gladly accepted.
Do you know that Dr Kim is jealous of me as I have been married to a good looking mi na.
Really mo yeon you think I am charming
. They spoke in car. We have reached come.
They are so cute while meditating.
. They spoke to the children and they were very happy. Mo yeon saw shi jin play with the children.
Don't you think that we should give them the chocolates by now. Yes sure. The children started jumping from happiness.

Mo yeon and shi jin were staying there while their children at Dae young home. At night
The couple was in their room and mo yeon came out of the washroom and saw shi jin lying shirtless on the bed when he suddenly got up and grabbed her had he held her bridal style and seeing her wonderful beauty made his heart flutter
this will will and make you get closer to me.
And with this he started kissing her and then lying her on bed he continued to kiss her until she returned him one of the.
Aren't you satisfied with this.
No, I want you to be with me always, and yah what is your opinion. No you look dashing whether it is you as a father, soldier or a man who loves me.
Wow you think this about me.
He still held her by waist and then they went into a deep sleep while shi jin was holding on her by waist and the other the fingers interlocking. Mo yeon woke up a bit early and saw shi jin he looked so innocent in sleep. She was washed away by his charm and slept again. Next, time when she woke up she saw a note mo yeon I am out for meditation. She saw him coming close to her and said mo yeon my stomach is aching badly see. That's just the gunshot wound come I will do the dressing.

Wow this beach is so beautiful would you like to play again, come on catch me.
I will surely catch this beautiful lady.
Mo yeon starts running away but accidentally trips over a rock. Shi jin ran and pounced on her but when he saw her in pain what happened are you fine.
Yes I am fine thank you for coming with me and yah I would love to come here again,

A/N - sorry a short one but I will be continuing it


The couple was shocked to see Min Yoon gi in their collage reunion.
Hey girls come give me a hug quickly.
No, we wouldn't, we will only hug our husbands is it clear
. The ladies spoke together
. It's Yoon gi right come here
. Shi jin said and as soon as he took her with him he hugged her and met her few of old friends. On the other hand mi na and Ji hoo were irritating min yoon gi they applied makeup on him. After few time shi jin and Dae young asked the ladies to join them on stage. Two boys who were Yoon gi 's sons asked their daughters to dance with them they enjoyed seeing them. The joy ended up with a question.
Hey girls why did you choose them instead of me.
Because we love them not you and even if song Joong ki or jin goo asked us out for a date we would refuse and they also do not have lust for us like you but they love us
. So Mr. Yoo shi jin I a extremely sorry for the thing I offered her . said Yoon gi Hmm .
They spoke about the past and the girls told about their first fight in the university.

Flashback... Before Mo yeon and shi jin were engaged
Shi jin was camping at the same place where he camped after returning from uruk alone. He was lonely looking for a fish
. Dae young was right see I found you.
She was looking expectationally pretty she walked towards him in an eligible way.
Are you searching for a fish
. Yes how do you know, I was thinking of you and yes I wanted to ask why did you dump me like that.
I don't know I liked you so much shi jin I feared you might not want to be part of my life
. How can you think about it I felt the same way about you,oh you look tired come here sit.
He made her sit in his lap and while caressing her upper abdomen he hummed the song. I love you.
Whom are you singing for?
. For you of course.
Don't you think Dr. Kim is prettier than me.
No honestly you are the prettiest girl in the entire world. Really so sweet of you.

Well I remember you were flirting with valentine and I was thinking about you all the time.
Who told you that.
A soldier told me.
I think they are going to be cooking whole day and you will be with me.

Come I will show you a book it was my favorite.
They were in library and mo yeon showed him a novel of a soldier. I used to love this book
. You respected other soldiers but not me why
. Who said I didn't, you were getting the reward for talking to me rudely.
So may I have our first kiss in return
. Of course.
Flashback the honeymoon
Shi jin and mo yeon went boating again in uruk but this time mo yeon held shi jin 's arm. He saw her lovely side at night and at dawn when the night is about to end and sun Is about to rise. Mo yeon, I love you.
Was that a question, if it was then yes I do
. No it was not.
😊I love you,I remember those stars your words and those well planted kisses.
I also remember.
That reminds me, Dr. Song wanted to learn the art of kissing from you
. Then will he kiss Sister Ha Jae.
Yes maybe.
They bursted out in laughter. We should go to bed by now mo yeon said but she was cut off by shi jin. Do you want a girl or a boy.
A girl, girls don't do anything crazy they don't create a fuss you know.
How do you know that I even wanted a girl
. I read your mind.
Ha ha ha. They both went to the reserved room and they really were very happy together
I dedicate this to nanana_16 and kikyo25
Thank for your vote please check the flashback I have inserted more.

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