Flash Back Marraige

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Ten metre -
shi jin
Eight meters -
Dae young
Six meters -
shi jin
Two meters -
Dae young
Now -
This was the happiest moment of their life as they were getting married with their girls of their dreams.
Please rise as bride and groom enter
. They held out their right hand to hold their sensitive hands. They soon gripped each other tightly. The moment that shows their love for each other arrived.
You may kiss the brides. They kissed passionately. Everyone cheered. Shi jin 's vows made everyone giggle and same for Dae young.
The night together. Shi jin carried her to the room and lay her down on the bed before he sat beside her. You look pretty.
Thank you.
Please go get fresh.
Hmm. Mo yeon came out . The newlyweds enjoyed the night.
Next morning
MO yeon was up before shi jin as he had been staring at sleeping mo yeon after tying the knot tightly. Shi jin also woke up hearing the sound of frying.
Wow yoo mo yeon you're already up and making breakfast for me. Yes go get a shower
. OK.
When he came out he smells the food
. Wow smells nice am just waiting to taste it it would be first time eating food made by such beautiful hands
I am really happy we are married now.
I am also happy to be with you
. You look so beautiful, will you come with me for a big bang concert. Why wouldn't I besides you are asking that

. Get ready in the evening then yoo mo yeon
. Yes I forgot to tell you that I will be Kang officially for safety reasons but personally I will be yoo.
OK now you  also understand me, but you never told me that why did you dump me several times
. You could have told me that you are in special forces and we would have a relationship since then and you didn't have to apologize for a kiss either
. I also think that way but you didn't accept me even after you knew my job. I was punishing you that you didn't tell.
Fine I lose, and who can win against you.
Promise me that you will never leave me
. I promise.  given you. 
. Thank you for never giving up on me.
I can't give up on a gem like you can I?.
You are really so sweet I am so glad I chose you.
The concert.
The concert was a romantic one he interlocked their hands surprising mo yeon. What is this. I don't want you go away from me in such a crowded place
. Shi jin oppa Someone shouted.
Lee Hyuni how are you, meet her she works in your hospital as an intern she is my cousin.
You are so beautiful Noona you are my ideal.
Thank you Hyuni you are also beautiful and I am his wife
. Why did you marry such a wuss.
He is not a wuss do you know that he shielded me many times from problems and he was even ready to die for me
. Oh really.
Yes the first time he did it I fell in love with him
. Wow oppa here's my boyfriend come Kim sueng he is my brother. Hello sir
. Please don't be too formal you can call me big boss. Lee Hyuni we need to talk and mo yeon please be with her we need to talk
The were talking.
So Kim I saw you last week with my ex girlfriend, are you cheating on her if not then call her.
OK but she is my sister
. Hello yes oppa.
Shi jin the concert ended let's go.
Come, how was it.?
Your sister is so adorable.
Like you?
Very funny.
Not like me like her mom
. She used to pull my hair in her childhood time
. Nice job.
Finally the night arrived and the time the two would be again be engaged in love at night. 
Shi jin asked her to have dinner in a restaurant. They went to a restaurant named ' Magnificent it was a white enormous building with its name written in black letters on a golden platform. Inside it was peach colored with pinkish peach table cloth and golden pillows on each chair which was traditional type of brown colour. They had a candle stand with candles lit in a royal form and some had vases.
Please come here sir and mam. They followed her and sat on their table. Her eyes were shining and shi jin simply looked at her. This time they preferred Japanese meal.  
It tastes very good.
I agree with you it is delicious
. They soon got out and shi jin opened the car door like a gentleman and mo yeon sat down. He too.
Thanks for the treat.
You don't have to thank me for such a small thing. He said as he patted back of her hand.
Are you happy with me
. What kind of question is it I am very happy with you.
I know that I was just confirming
. By the way do you know that Dr song is getting married next month
. Wow to whom.
Hmm sister jae.
I want you to wear a white tux
. Why.
You look handsome you look the best in your service uniform but you can't wear it so wear that
. OK fine if you want but you should wear a pink dress.
You have a good taste.
You have a bad taste I saw Yoon gi there he is weak
. Really he was quite strong in university.
Stronger than me
. No not more than you

. She went to  meet meyong Joo they went shopping together. While she tried on a dress mo yeon received a call from shi jin. Hello what happened to my honey.
A beautiful voice robbed my sleep.
Were you awake!
. Yes I was
. . On the other hand meyong Joo as well received a call. Mo yeon reached home and as soon as she opened the door she was welcomed by rose petals on the floor and shi jin on his knees with a bouquet of red roses with white
. Mo yeon you are my best friend, my beloved wife, my girl of dreams, my angel and I love every single thing about you
. He slowly got up and handed it to her. I love you. Mo yeon start to recognize the moment he opened up the door and saw her bathing.
Wow you did so much.

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