Episode 30:Happy Father's Day!

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Shi jin woke up glanced at the Calendar and got up. He was brushing his teeth when Mo yeon back hugged him. He finished up and turned to kiss her.
"Good Morning"
When he came out he was surprised to see the breakfast. There were cookies and pancakes with messages on them. Made by sugar paste. Happy fathers day, Love you dad. At the moment both the siblings said the same in union. He was overwhelmed and cried.
"They did it themselves." He thanked them and they left for the graveyard.

Her Father's grave
She spoke.
"Happy Father's day dad. I miss you. Would you like to meet your grandson, he is playing there. My husband really loves us. He cares for us. You thought that I will die without someone beside me right? But it's not true."
She started tearing up.
She felt like Mr. Kang said.
" My daughter, don't be a cry baby, Why do you visit so rarely. Visit often. "
Shi jin turned at her after keeping the bouquet near his mother's grave. They found that out a day before their wedding. He wiped his tears off because it was his turn to abide by his vow. He went up to her and gently hugged her. After some time she was quiet. He dropped her off at the hospital.
After the surgery
There she found a girl who lost her father. Her mother was struggling for her life. She approached her.
"What happened."

"My mother"

"I see, want me to accompany you? Where's your father?"

"I lost him years ago."

"Me too, I was just four when I witnessed the divorce of my parents, that day we got the news that he was drunk and driving. His car collided with a tree."

"What about you?"

"He was killed by some robbers at a bank. He worked in Mexico ."

" Sad."

"I don't know weather I will be able to see the death of my mother."

"Don't worry."

Then the doctor came and said.
" We saved her."

"Thank you doctor."

"Don't thank me, thank her. I watch her show regularly, such case was discussed in it."

"Wait, was I talking to Dr. Mo yeon all the time?! Oh God, I'm your biggest fan."

She chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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