Episode 20

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This is important for all my readers, please read the other stories, I write and if my followers are watching the news feed, please read them, it will be too much help for me. Please give some ideas and I know that you all write very well. You can help me by your comments. Sorry for I write too short but I'm busy nowadays on my new story.

Here they are called again by Mr. Han. After chasing mo yeon he finally stopped and began to be polite with her. He is satisfied with his new wife, WHO IS NOT DR. KIM, IT IS SURPRISING THAT THEY WERE IN A RELATIONSHIP. He was replaced but he just needed a favor. Their  hospital's new owner Mrs. Jung mi said that he came to get his X ray which was really needed in some thing. Mo yeon was given respect and was now the head surgeon in the V. I. P. Ward just because of her hard work and the position was taken away from Dr. Kim, she was still a doctor in the same ward but always came late. She wasn't doing surgeries, she was just a so called doctor. Well now Dr. Pyo welcome to the
V. I. P ward..... . Thank you Dr. Mo yeon. They burst out in laughter but someone came in between. He was Dr. James Martins(Johnny Depp), an American actor. He was following Dr Pyo for quite some time. She changed a little after she was able to walk on her legs perfectly, she took a skin care treatment and looked gradually glamorous. She was as pretty as Mo yeon but still wasn't in any relationship. He thought that he had a chance to get her by his side. "Dr. Pyo may I ask you out for a dinner". "Yes of course".
She agreed to him and he spoke just like Daniel, half English and half Korean.

Mo yeon decided to go back with Shi jin 's  cousin whom she met suddenly in her way, she was in car. When they returned to the home, shi jin was as expected sleeping on the couch with a novel book on his face. MY HORRIBLE SURPRISE was the title. *knocked at his forehead *. It was his cousin whose name I forgot. What's up wuss.
. You are here ah ah ah. He acted as  if he is crying. I remember now. She is Lee Hyuni,
Why are you here, please go as soon as possible. Oh, you nob, MO yeon brought me here. 
  Well she is right, we reached here together so she is having dinner with us.
But why? Ah ah ah..... He continued pretending, in the hope of getting only some attention. But his efforts didn't please her instead of that, they irritated her. She came and slapped him on his face very lightly, it would hardly feel even.
Oh, so I even got a  slap from my beloved wife, good mo yeon, I'm not going to eat. After they finished eating, Lee Hyuni decided to leave after playing a little with her nephew and niece. She went to have a word with her so - called brother.
Hey bro, hey. She punched his shoulder.  What is your problem?..... She didn't eat, she just had a cup of coffee and tucked the children in the bed...... Really, did she -you mean......
Yes I do, I'm going, go and embrace her, she loves you really.

Soon after, when he ended up his thoughts, worries and excitement. He went and hugged her tightly. He kissed her all of a sudden and apologized. They had their dinner together alone but comfortable. Are you upset with me Mo yeon....... Are you upset?.. With me?........I'm sorry, really sorry for what happened few minutes ago......So , you are not but I should be the one saying that...... So, this time you're asking me to confess?........ Yes, carry on....... I love you...... Fine then me too, wait a minute, was that a question?....... No, who said that?...... Last time, this cute man here said that....... Geez, did I, I I don't remember...... So, I think that we just finished eating...... So, you slapped me hard, it pains, what will you do to repay? ........ Mmm whatever you wish...he gave her a smirk instead of any answer. option....... Fine, I'll come soon....... Her phone rang all of a sudden. Hello, meyong Joo...... I'm, I'm, oh! How should I say that?...... Wait a minute so you are,...... Oh, is shi jin around, don't say then...... Okay I get you, is that a good news...... Of course it is...... Okay I got you, we'll meet tomorrow.....
What happened mo yeon?.........It's something, she told me not to tell you or you'll tell Dae young........You can tell me, I'll not tell him. She is gonna be mommy of two....... Two, twins....... No, idiot oops my tongue slipped, one is Ji soo, other one is coming...... Ready to be aunt...... Yes, what about you..... Same here....

That night, Lee Hyuni came like an angel. Once again thank you  for 1.53k reads. A special thanks to black rose or blackrosecamilia who recommended my story in hers.

The night went well and the morning was strange. Mi na woke  up by her own and went to wake them up. When she entered, he was about to kiss her and called out. Mom, dad it's the time for school.. Awe my daughter is so wise. You woke up so early...... Mom, let's go and do you know I changed the diapers of baby  so that he doesn't cry. The cute wise girl said. Oh my sweetie, very good. Thank you, get ready mom it's your show today, my friends watch it. Oh really, so sweet of them...... Yes, mo yeon I see that your admirers are increasing, even alpha team envies me. Oh really, that's good, you can show me off..... Alright, let's talk about it after your show.

After they reached there, Shi jin demanded something weird.

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