Episode 21

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He demanded a kiss, not much just on his cheek.
You,! MI na is here, did you forget.
What, no I didn't, besides she is busy, just a quick one please
. Okay, only a short one. She quickly did it and left with a cute goodbye. When she was a few meters away from the car and shi jin was speaking to Dae young, few teenagers surrounded her and started flirting with her in his eyes. He quickly got out and made his way to her. Boys, she needs to do her business, you can take her husband's autograph till then.
No no we're going. They went away and after thanking him, she went inside the studio and he took his daughter to the school where he met her teacher who won't stop admiring the little blushing girl whom her friend took with her to the classroom. Thank you ma'am.
Welcome, well I've never seen you alone, where's your wife
. She's at the studio.
Oh ya, I forgot the day, it's Wednesday right. Yeah right, I'm leaving, it's important.
Hello Dae young........ . You might not like this story but may I have few votes.

Head quarters
Shi jin headed to the headquarters immediately, when he was reported that Min Yoon gi spoke about Mo yeon
. That bastard, how dare he speak my wife's, my love ' s name
. He, that jerk is gonna get it from me now.
I'm coming to you, just wait Min Yoon gi. He barged into the interrogation room and slapped him hard. So hard that his face was swollen and bleeding. He held his collar and asked him, burning in anger. How dare you say my wife's name, don't ever take her name with your dirty tongue.... . Hey hey, calm down mister...... What did you do to her...... Nothing major nothing, I just wanted to make you feel like I felt when I saw you with her. His voice was now rising. She's mine so you better see your own work...... Heh, do you think I will...... Hit him! Hit! Him!until he spills out every single thing...... The misfortune again came up to them. Min jun was caught but he thought that he got mo yeon kidnapped. Shi jin straight went to the hospital to look for mo yeon but she was nowhere. What he thought was true he felt something hitting his shoulder. Ow. He turned around and saw someone holding mo yeon's mouth so that she doesn't speak.

He made his way there but it was just that Dr. Pyo was stopping her from telling anyone that she was in a relationship. Hello Dr. Pyo, I need to speak to both of you..... Yes, please do...... You need to be safe, some terrorists are eying at you, they know that mo yeon is my greatest weakness.......So you mean, that you need our help..... Yes, meyong Joo will help us by assuring him that she will help him and he will tell her the plan. You just have to make a written record of it, and announce this. But it should remain in the walls of this building only, only the family members must know about it..... I'll do it, as you say........ Hmm, and Dr. Pyo, we need you to hide this from Dr. Kim, she can ruin our plans by telling this to him, last time I heard her say something like that...... Can you please do it....,.. She was urgently called after the show. He bent down when Dr. Pyo was called and he said :You look expectationally beautiful today. How about me? And she replied :You look just like we met the first day...... Handsome like then?... She just glared at him. He told her that he came to pick her.

When they reached home with their children, MI na pleaded him for an ice cream, but their marriage anniversary was  October 31
, it was November 31st now and he refused saying that it is cold. The girl didn't say anything after that, think what would happen if she was Hyun soo, she would be sick after eating ice creams after screaming very much for it, this is my own brother's  experience. As shi jin fell on the bed with her at night he fell asleep but didn't realize that he was suffocating her. Shi jin wake up, please loosen your grip, it's so tight. He didn't wake up but loosened his grip and soon they were asleep in each other's arms. Mo yeon felt his hand on her cheeks and asked in drowsy voice. Darling, what are you dreaming about. But it hardly made any difference. They called each other like this only when they were completely alone. He started stroking her hair, that was evident that he was awake but tired. Let me be silent mo yeon, I'm recalling those beautiful memories of Uruk and Albania..... Do you remember everything? Don't complain that I thought you were, a, a, a ghost...... I will not, I'm recalling that audio clip also, don't speak anything now and yah the moments in the truck too. He said while opening his eyes wide and closing them slowly.

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