Episode 27 (Flashback -fight)

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The worst day of the year for him had finally arrived. He was leaning on his chair, closing his eyes and thinking about only one person. She had occupied his mind do the whole day. Aah,
Mo yeon, where are you, what are you doing, are you fine?.... Myung Joo could hear everything. She instantly   called Mo yeon who was burning in anger. Hello, Mo yeon, can we go somewhere? In the hills or somewhere cold....  Yes! .... What happened between you and him.... Nothing, its just that, he lied to me, he said that he is going for a mission but actually he went to that new club with his friends. An idea clicked her mind. So she agreed to her.
Next morning, they left from that place,. They were about to reach the top, when Myung Joo and Mo yeon stopped saying that they need rest and they can't walk more. Seeing this, Shi jin couldn't stand silent so he spoke up that. Don't worry Mo yeon, I will stay with you until you can come. He circled his arms around her and said. His words melted her heart and she hugged him back, when they broke their hug, they couldn't find Myung Joo and Dae young. They continued to walk and found them on the hill top. Then they made their way towards the hotel. When
Shi jin reached his room with his mate. He held her hand and apologized for his lie. Don't worry, its fine, you didn't go because you wanted but they took you along.... You know it?.... Of course I know.... Before he could say anything she crashed their lips together. When that they pulled apart. They confessed their love ❤️ and had dinner together,
Next day, they went for skiing, Shi jin was extremely fast, which caused him to eventually fall down miserably. He was lying down helplessly. Dae young was the first one to reach and help him. Are you fine?..... Yes I am, I wonder why, Mo yeon didn't reach to me first.... Because she is not here ..... Then where is she?....she just met an old friend..... Oh, call her!..... Hello, Dr. Mo yeon, Shi jin needs your help, he fell down.... What! I am coming..... She just needed a few minutes to reach. But when she did, the first thing she did was embracing him tightly. Are you fine!... Yes, I am fine, just now because you came..... Why are you so careless? She said in a soft voice. Right after, he was taken to their room. Mo yeon gave him, chicken soup so that he doesn't catch cold, even though she knew that he would not.

Next morning, they had to leave for Seoul. On the way, Shi jin didn't leave Mo yeon alone, even for a second, this irritated her and she shouted at him. Then he made a puppy faced look and he looked as if he could cry any minute. Awe, please don't make a face like this, you are really cute. Don't worry for me, and don't follow me, okay?.... Okay.... Good boy. He hugged her. They went to the nearest desired place but it was still farther. It was quite late and she was already asleep on his shoulder. Shi jin's place was nearer so they stopped there. He carried her in his arms and tucked  her  in his bed before he too was accompanying her. He looked at her face for quiet long time. How beautiful, how can you be so beautiful, even in sleep. He kissed her forehead. Next morning, when they woke up, she was shocked to see him, he was sleeping in his boxers, ONLY!... You!  How dare you! What did you do to me!?. She said while hitting him with the pillow. I didn't do anything, we just slept together, nothing more than that, see even you are totally dressed up.... What! Oh! Okay, fine....

She was about to call Myung Joo but to her surprise, she was already on their doorsteps. Myung Joo entered. But as soon as she did, Shi jin was ready with his words, he started telling her whatever happened. What!  Does that mean that you haven't touched her till now?.he simply nodded. So what? I know that he still loves me. Mo yeon interrupted. 

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