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I gave you my everything
I did the best I could
I fight so hard for the people I care about
I do everything I can to make you happy
I try so hard
I fight until I can't anymore
I never give up until it's the only left to do
I didn't want to hurt you
It kills me knowing I did
But when did I ever make jokes so cruel
When have I ever joked about killing myself
When have I ever said something rude to any of your family members
When have I ever made the choice to drag you into my problems
When have I ever made fun of you even if it was only a joke
Tell me now
What did I do that made you grow so cold to me
What did I do to make you hurt me
I care so much about you
That's why I always go back
I have given you more chances than anyone else
I have been there for you when you needed it most
Where are you when I need you now
You promised me you would be there
But when I need someone to talk to I go to you
But you never listen
You pick out each and every flaw I have
Like I never noticed them before
You ask me why I never talk
I don't because I always seem to do something that makes you mad
I don't know what is wrong with me
I need help
But I don't get help
I am the helper
I take on everyone else's problems
I can't fight my own
When I die don't cry at my grave
Don't say you loved me
Don't say that you wished you knew
Don't say you wished you could have helped
Because you did know
I told you everything
I let you in
I have you the time to help
You didn't help
You just hurt me more
I'm sorry
I won't ever be good enough for you

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