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You've been gone for awhile now.
A couple weeks at that.
I've been missing you like crazy.
I wish you would've stayed.
I tried for you.
You saved me.
You kept me out of my head.
The day you left was the day I feel right back to my self destructive ways.
We kept in touch a little.
Even if only five minutes we talked.
It helped me cope.
It helped me forgive.
Now we can't even say hello.
It's killing me inside.
No one knows the pain I feel.
I never once cried in front of anyone.
I only cried alone.
I'm supposed to be strong.
I'm supposed to be better.
I'm too young for a broken heart.
So I keep quiet.
I don't tell a soul.
I'm back at my old ways.
You helped me stop.
I was clean for 3 months.
When you left those months were just a waste.
I still remember the first and only time I held you in my arms.
The time we seen each other's faces in person.
I love you still.
I hate myself more than ever.
I still worry about you.
I reread all of our old texts.
I go through all of the memories each day in my head.
Christmas is coming.
I want nothing more than to have you back.
There's others that deserve you.
I'm just a mistake.
I should've known you would throw it all away.
I'll wait for you a bit longer.
I was never mad.
I was just very very upset.
The one person I believed who would never let me down did something worse.
You broke me.
You hurt me worse than anyone that morning.
Now here I am cutting myself up and tearing myself down again.
I'm worse than before I met you.
I just want you back.
Even if it's only a day.
I just want to tell you how much I love you.
How much I care.
I'm sorry to waste your time.
I'm sorry for anything I did that upset you.
Please forgive me while I go back to the things I said I'd never go back to.
One day I hope you'll miss me the way I miss you.

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