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All of my friends are in this no ending drama battle. They all get mad at each other over the smallest things or a mistake that the other regrets. They all come to me and tell me different sides of every story and tell me not to believe, talk to, or hang out with one of my friends because they have their own arguments and get mad at me when I just sit back and listen to the fighting and arguing and don't say anything than I run off to the bathroom.

     I run away because I can't deal with it. I sit back and listen because I don't want to lose any of them. I hide away because I can't stand seeing the people I care about most in my life hating each other and tearing each other down. They don't even care. I have tried talking to each of them to get over it and move on but they don't care. They always ask how I'm always so happy and never really get into arguments. It's because I avoid it. I forgive people and try to get on with my life. They seem to forget why I close myself off from them. I don't want to make things worse. I don't spill any secrets. I don't talk shit about people behind their backs. I can't because I know what IRS like and I don't want to hurt anyone like that. I wish they would see how their drama isn't just causing pain to each other. It's driving the people around them crazy too.

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