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People always wonder why I spend a lot of my time watching the Transformers shows.
People always wonder why I listen to the bands I listen to One Direction and My Chemical Romance along with a few other bands even though they are nothing alike.
People always question why I read Creepypasta stories and Harry Potter over and over again.
People always question why I like acting, band, and singing so much.
I try to explain but they never understand.

It's all an escape.
Those things distract me from this cruel world.
They make me feel like I'm not alone.
They make me feel okay for just a little while.
If I don't want to relapse into anything
If I want to feel okay without physically harming myself
I go to them.
So I'll keep acting like a child
I'll keep listening to different bands
I'll keep reading different books
Because they keep me from doing stupid shit
They keep me alive.

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