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Does it not matter that despite all of the times that I have failed in the past 3 years that I continue to come back and I continue to fight for something deep down I know I'll never get. Does it not matter that I continue to do things that you ask, that I do everything you say, that I take so much time out of my life to be there for your grand ideas? Does it not matter that I'm not even mad at you or anyone else for the ways things have gone. Does it not matter that even though I don't have all lf the money in the world but I still pay for the things that I can. Does none of this matter to you just because yoy favor someone else? You told me I was a raising star and that my tome will come to be able to show that I can do anything. What more will it take for you to be happy with me? I've given almost my whole life away and I never get any breaks because I'm still fighting. Why can't you see that you're destroying me. I can't keep up like this forever. I can't keep giving it my all but still never be good enough. It's too painful.

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