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My bestest friend in the whole world is my cat.
She is the only one that has ever truly been there for me
I can't imagine life without her
She's my little angel
The moon at night
She's hurt now and my mom won't take her to the vet yet
I don't even know if she will get to the vet at all
If I lost her I wouldn't even be able to leave my bed
I've been crying worried sick for the past 30 minutes
I need her to be okay.
I've prayed for two nights straight now and I will not stop until she starts getting better
This cat is what kept me from giving up when I thought there was no reason for me
When I was bullied every day I'd go sit outside and she knew I was upset.
She sat on my lap purring and trying to make me feel better.
She would start meowing and clawing at me if I didn't look at her
She'd even bite me if I wasn't smiling
She's the light of my world
She's what keeps me ticking
She saved my life so many times
I won't be able to live with myself if she passes away because I couldn't fight hard enough to get her help
I really need her
She's the only one I have left

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