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So I was sweeping my floor andI
stepped on something sharp. I turned the sweeper off and looked down to see something silver and shiny. I sat down and started digging it out of the carpet.
It turns out it was one of my old razor blades from when I self harmed.
I'm honestly shocked.
I don't understand why it was even there is the first place since I remember clearly how my mom found the box where I kept them and threw them all out. That was the last time I seen those broken blades until I found one today.
Yeah her throwing them out didn't stop me because of the scissors in the bathroom but I hadn't seen a blade like that in months.
I didn't throw it away though.
I doubt that I'll need it.
I hid it where I know that no one will look.
After all I've been clean for awhile.
I'm keeping it as a reminder.
I'm keeping it to show that I'm over it and that I don't need to do it again.
That if I ever think about it I'm stronger than that.
I don't see the point in throwing it out anyways.
If I really, really, really wanted to do it again I'd find a way.
I proud to say that I got through it all.
The reason I'm posting this should already be clear.
I know that if you are struggling that you can get through it.
You probably hear it all the time.
You might not believe it.
You might not see it but things aren't always as they seem.
At one point you will fall so far down that there is no where to look but up.
If you ever need anyone give me a text.
I'll listen.
I'll be there for you.
Stay strong
I promise things aren't over yet.

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