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Dear whoever reads this,
   You are enough. You are loved. You are worth it. You are not alone. I know you feel like the world is against you. I know it seems hopeless. I know all seems lost. You can't think of anything but the pain. I know what you're thinking. I may not know you. I might not know your name, age, or birthday. I do know that you are in so much pain. You're so tired of everything. I know what you are feeling. I've been there. I'm there right now. I know what it's like. I understand. It will be okay. If you ever need someone to talk to, someone to rant to, someone to be there for you, I'll be there. Send me a message. I'll talk to you. I'll be there for you. You are not alone in this world. Someone out there cared about you. Even if it's only me. I don't know you. I don't know your name. I don't know what you look like. I don't know your story. But I care. Every time I here of someone that has attempted or killed them self it breaks my heart. It kills me because no one ever thought to reach out to that person. No one listened to their cries for help. I wish that I could have been there. I wish that I could have known them so I could have tried to change their minds. I know that I can't. I can't help everyone. I want to try. I want to help people. No one should ever feel this kind of pain. I don't do this out of pity. I don't do it just because. I want to help because wether I know you or not I really do care. I know what it's like to be that way. I know what it's like to feel so hurt that it feels like the only way out is through death. No one should hurt that badly. If you need someone, I'm always here.

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