Please read if you are dealing with self-harm

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Note: I am in no way pro self-harm I just thought that if anyone reading this book is going to self-harm they should at least do it as safely as possible even though there is nothing safe about it  don't hate me as I am doing this to help out. Thanks. Please keep reading.

1.) If you are going to self-harm please use something clean as you could get infections and we all know that it would not be easy to explain how this cut appeared and how it got infected. Please stay as safe as possible.

2.) ALWAYS have a first-aid kit around. Like find a bag or a box to keep bandages, ointments, rubbing alcohol wipes, tissues, and any other medical supplies you could need to properly take care of a wound. It might not seem important but it really is.

4.) There are many videos on YouTube on how to take care of self inflicted wounds or just wounds in general. I recommend watching some to get an idea on how to make it heal as quickly as possible and keep your wounds from getting infected.

Okay now for a few alternatives to self-harming.

1.) keep a rubber band or hair twister on your wrist. If you feel the need to self-harm just flick in across your arm. It might not work for everyone but at least give it a try.

2.) draw lines with a red pen or marker where you would usually self-harm instead of harming yourself. I know that a few of my friends have tried this and have said that it helps.

3.) try something like the butterfly project. It might help some.

4.) color in a coloring book or draw something. It is supposed to relieve stress and some other scientific stuff.

5.) if you don't like drawing or coloring find something else. Maybe you like singing, writing, songwriting, playing am instrument, hanging out with friends/family, reading, dancing, or even watching your favorite YouTubers, or jamming out to your favorite singer/band. Everyone has something that they like to do. Try to do one of those things for at least 30 minutes and see if you calm down any. At least try  I know you can do it.

I know it's not a whole lot of help but I just wanted to get these few tips out there. If you are going to self-harm at least take the time to do it as safely as possible. Please try some alternatives as well. Just give each of them a try for at least 4 Days. I know it's hard but hang in there. You're stronger than you know. I know that I don't know you but I can feel your pain. For some reason I feel other people's pain and at times I wish that I didn't because it hurts so much knowing what kind of pain someone is and if I could take all of the pain away from the world and suffer it all alone if it meant the world would no longer know pain than I would take it all. Please stay safe. Please find something worth fighting for. I'm always hear if you need me. Don't be afraid to ask anyone you can trust for help. No one can be strong all the time and that's okay. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone does some really stupid things. I know everyone says these things so I'm gonna shut up now. Stay strong. You can do this. I believe in you. Never give up. <3

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