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He said he'd save me from the darkness and cruelty of the world and he did. He promised me forever. He promised not to leave. I promised him the same. At play practice he started to text me. After a couple messages I knew where it was going. He said we might have to break up. He said it might be better that way. He asked for a few days to make up his mind. I gave him time. All I can think about is what if he does break up with me? What would I do. He was the only person I could ever truly trust. He knows everything there is to know about me. I know everything about him. I hope that if he chooses to leave he will remember all those nights we spent talking each other out of suicide. The nights we cried together. The days we laughed. I only met him in person once for only about 10 minutes. I don't want to think about the first time hugging him could be my last. I never knew what love was. I didn't understand how someone could mean so much. I didn't know what it was like to be so in love until I met him. I didn't know what it really felt like to be heartbroken because of a boy. I pray that he stays. If I lose him my whole world will just crash and fall apart. I miss our late night conversations. I miss his laugh. I miss how we'd Skype and he'd play his guitar and I'd sing along. I miss seeing his smile. I miss hearing the stories of him and his little sister. I miss him. We never really broke up but it's a 52% chance that we will. Life just won't be the same. My family always asks me why I don't really talk much about my life. I just don't see the importance of them knowing. If we break up I'll put on a fake smile like always and pretend that everything is okay. I'm the strong one. I'm the girl that helps others and never lets the world get to her. That's what they think at least. I can't let them see the real me. The broken one. It would hurt them too much. So Caden if you leave I'm so sorry. I hope you find someone better than me. Someone who can make you laugh harder than ever. Someone who can hang out with you more. Someone smart and beautiful. I'll never forget what we had. I don't want to let you go.

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