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One of the worst feelings ever is losing a best friend
I have found a worse feeling though

It's being there for your best friend while they talk about their old best friend every second

It's letting them cry on your shoulder over missing their old best friend

It's them saying that they don't need their old best friend since they have you but two minutes later complaining about how they wished they had their old best friend back.

So no the worst feeling ever isn't losing your best friend

It's always being second place to your best friend. It's seeing all of the sadness of your best friend who lost their old one in a fight.

It's being left with fixing all of the broken pieces that don't want to go back together.

It makes you feel like shit.
It makes you go insane.

You can't even tell them how it makes you feel because you don't want to hurt them more.

It sucks

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