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My big brother tells people the story of how there was a noose tied to a tree with the words 'I'm sorry' cut into one of the branches. He thinks someone committed suicide up there. Little does he know that it was me. I tied the rope. I carved those words. I was gonna do it. I would have. Sometimes I think that I should have. If my cat didn't climb that tree meowing at me while I looked down at the ground below me before jumping I would have. I wanted to. She stopped me. I couldn't do it in front of her. She is my child.

I can't tell him why he found what he did or why it's not there anymore. I won't let him know. I won't let anyone who knows me know about it. I hate to lie and pretend that I don't know why it was there but I have to. He can't know. He won't know. He would never understand.

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