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Soooo I just looked and I have 2k reads on this!!!! Holy slag!!! I honestly never thought I would ever see that on my account!! It really means so much and since I have run out of room to keep going on with this I think that I will create another quotes story thingy but this time it will be about recovery and stuff. I'm always here for anyone reading this right now and if you ever need someone to talk to even if it's just to vent about something you might think is small amd pointless but it's eating at you, I'm here to listen. You aren't alone evere no matter what you believe. Just hold on love. It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to fall apart and shatter. Just get back up. As much as I want to I know that I can't stop any of you from things like self-harm since it is up to you wether you want to recover or not but I'll never judge you and I'll have your back if you need it. Stay strong and please don't ever give up. Again, thank you so much for reading and for all of the votes, it really means a lot to know that I'm not the only one who struggles like this even if I would take it all from all of you so no one else would have to deal with it. I hope you got to realize that you aren't the only one as well. Keep your head held high and do what is best for you. Keep moving and if you fall, it doesn't matter how bruised and broken you are, get back up. You've gotten this far after all.

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