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I miss you
I want to see you again
I want to talk to you again
I want to hug you again
I want to laugh with you again
I want to cry with you again
I want to make you smile again
I want to be there for you again
I want to wish you goodnight again
I want to wish you good morning again
I want to Skype you again
I want to hear your voice again
I want to hear your guitar again
I want to help you again
I want to stop missing you
I want to stop crying over you
But I don't want to stop loving you
I don't just miss the thought of you
I don't just miss what we had
Or what you had to offer
I miss you
I miss every little thing about you I learned to love
I think about you all the time

I know that you're happier now
You've got new friends
You've got a new school
You and your family are getting along
You've fixed your mistakes
You seem to have it figured out now

I'm happy that you're happy
I wish you the best
You seem happier without me
I still love you
You were my first love
My first real breakup
I didn't believe it when people said it really hurt
I regret that I doubted them
I want you back so bad
But you're so happy is what I've heard

I'm sitting here wondering if you're really over me

If what we had was real why are you so happy?
I'm still broken and it's been months
I tell myself all the time that I'm over you
That I don't care anymore
But I do

You look happier
So much happier
And I'm happy for you
But I wish I could tell you
I really want to tell you
I was happier with you

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