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School really fucking sucks. I wish I ended had to go there again but I have to. The only time I can even smile without it being forced is during band. The last 45 minutes of the day. Sometimes not even that is enough. I hate being ignored at lunch. I hate being blamed for being the one who is doing the ignoring. I guess it's my fault in a lot of ways. I mean who wants to be around a depressed piece of shit anyways? All I do is talk about demo's bands, transformers, and Harry Potter. I'm clearly annoying.
     I hate depression. Actually it's not even depression it's just me being an overdramatic, way to sensitive bitch. I've never been diagnosed so I must not have it. I just hate this feeling. Whatever it is, it's taking over my entire life and I don't know how much longer I can last on my own like this.

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