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Me: I love singing. It's the only thing I actually like about myself.

Friends/Family: You should do sign up for the karaoke contest in town.

Me: Okay!! *starts practicing the song that I'm gonna do for a whole week to make sure that it's perfect and I have to be 100% sure that I get the high notes right.*

Mom: (Day of the contest) So what song are you gonna sing?

Me: Break Free *really excited and happy with myself since I know that I can pull it off*

Mom: Is that by Ariana Grande?

Me: Yep *smiling an actual smile for the first time in forever*

Mom: Are you sure or can do it? She sings some really high notes...

Me: Of course I've always been able to hit high notes. You know I can't sing low and Ariana's songs are really the only ones with higher notes that I really like. We almost have the same vocal range.

Mom: I think you should choose an easier song. You probably won't be able to do one that hard in front of a bunch of people. You'll get too nervous and mess it up.

Me: *smile drops an suddenly becomes serious* I can do it. It's not that hard. I've always been able to sing high notes and I've practiced all week.

Mom: I still think you should pick something else but oh well. If you mess up don't come crying to me. *walks out of room*

Me: *sarcastically* Well that makes me feel amazing about my singing skills. You totally didn't kill my excitement and totally didn't give me a huge amount of stage fright. You also didn't make me doubt the only talent that I have in almost every way.

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