P1: Earth and Families

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2 weeks after destroying Zarcon and Lotor ~

" Paladins I'm very happy to inform you that we are close enough to visit earth we should be there by tomorrow so be ready for a vacation" Allura said over the intercoms." Yea. That means I can see my mom again." Pidge said while pausing on the project she was working on. Pidge got up and ran to the kitchen seeing lance and hunk got the news. "Yea. wooohoo now I can see mi mama y papa they must be so worried." Lance said with the most worried face in history.

"I cant wait to see my mom and dad to. I wonder how the bakery is doing?" hunk said concerned. I can wait to see mom and most like ice skate again I mean I was good at it back on earth. Right I mean lance was good too but I was better." pidge said with that smug face. " Oh your on once we get to earth were going straight to the skating rink." Lance said determined to win.

" I'm down with that ." Pidge said not noticing Keith & Shiro walking in. " done with what?" Shiro and Keith said confusingly in sync. "Me and Pidge are going to have and ice skating battle when we get to earth and I'm going to win. also the loser has to do stay under water for a minute at the beach." Lance answered.

"Yeah and I'm going to win"

"Yeah right say that to my ice"

Keith intervened saying ,

" Well I guess I'm in since it is vacation. But I don't know how to skate?" "Well I think lance can help with that since he is taller than you." Pidge declared. "Pidge I didn't know you can ice skate. Since when?" Shiro questioned pidge. Pidge answered " It was about 2 years before I joined the Garrison and I needed to get my head on straight so I got in the habit of dancing and ice skating to let my feelings out. Well I'm going to finish some projects I'll be in the hangars if you need me."

3 hours later~

Pidge looked at her clock and noticed she was 10 minutes late. **5 more minutes then dinner** she kept working. Then Shiro came in. " Hey Pidge. It's time for dinner."

"One more minute I'm. almost . done"

So Shiro walked over picked up pidge.

"Hey. hey put me down. I'm not finished!!"

",You can finish later after dinner"

"hump. Ok " Crossing her arms.

~Time skip ~


Pidge woke up and ran to the dinning room. Ready to see her mom she at the break fast quickly and ran to her room to get dressed passing anyone in here way. " We have arrived on earth." Allura said over the intercom. " YAHHHHHHH." pidge screamed running to her lion along with the others . They all were greeted by students at the Garrison cause they came on graduation day.

All of them saw their families crying and ran to greet them and the families they left behind 2 years ago.

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