P 10:What now? and High school again. Naaaaaaah

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"Allura are you sure you want to stay on earth with us" Hunk said concerned for a comrade like always."Yeah i'm sure I think i'm going to like it here but i'm still living in the castle." Everyone was talking . I was thinking to myself  should I start school. Naaaaaaah it would be stupid i'm already smarter than half the galaxy. I might as well test for college. Then i can get a job. Katie was thinking hard and long and everyone can tell." Hey pidge are you ok." Shiro was the one to speak to her she could tell by the shadow cast over her.

"Yeah i'm fine i was just thinking should i start school again at college or just stay with mom for a while." she said sadly.Tears threatening to fall from the corners of her eyes.

"Or should I keep searching for them"she didn't say the name . But he knew what she was talking about.He engulfed her in a big hug knowing she needed some one to lean on. She cried into his chest.

"Katie do what ever will fill what you want. I won't tell you what to do but I will give you advice cause I love you and will support your choice." Shiro sounded so calm to Katie she could have fell asleep in his arms right there and then she was tired "Shiro let's go home." Once they got home Katie went up to her room and fell asleep tired of all her crying.

Shiro wrote a note telling Katie he went to visit his mom. Knowing it was only 4 pm it was still visiting hours.His mom won her battle with cancer but still had to be in the hospital for a little while. he hoped into the car and drove to the hospital.His mom was with her nurse at the moment so he waited outside. When she was done he walked in  and kissed her forehead . He hadn't seen his mom in 3 years he hugged her and told he about every thing every battle every hardship. His only relationship with Katie she approved of with words that made him blush.

"Sweet hart you know you are going to have to wait for the girl to be ready in order to go any further" she ended with a wink. He knew she would approve. Samuel and Colleen are years apart too and she approved of them. He just wanted the best for Katie and if that meant waiting he would wait how ever long he had to. If it meant keeping her auburn eyes and big smile in his life. he loved her and he knew that would never change.

** OMG 1 k view thank you guys so much for the support just know you guys are the reason i can keep going and shout out to 

For being there since the first chapter

Garnet OUT!!!!**

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