P22: Ice day (Week time skip)

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I woke Shiro up. Omg his bed head is so cute. I woke him up and told him to go get his clothes on. He grabbed a long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans and goes to the bathroom to change. I go down stairs and grabbed my skates and go back up stairs.
"Hey Shiro do you think we can go to the rink to day we haven't been there in a while."
"Yeah sure pidge"
"Also apparently everyone went home and my mom went to work so wanna grab a meal at the rink?"
We got in Shiro' s lion and went to the rink we got our skates on. Shiro pit on the black leather and silver skates i git him for Christmas. I
put on one of my favorite songs and I start dancing to it apparently Shiro knew the song to and joined in with me and we dance the rest of the day away.

We were dancing and sooner or later we were stuck on the melody. Its like we were connect more than through feeling but in state of mind. Now is where I remember why I love this man for his courage and what he does to me I feel warmer around him even if it is winter.

Then I felt it all I wanted to do was kiss him so as the song slowed out and the melody died down I slowly pulled him down and kissed him he asked for entrance happily let him in we kissed for a while it didn't really go any further than that and it basically couldn't.

I turned around and there was a small clap arising from them I keep forgetting it's winter of course more people started coming. Ther cheered for us and slowly started to migrate onto the ice and some kids started practicing their moves. I guided Shiro of the ice and sat down next to him. "I want to whatch the younger ones try and practice ok Shiro then we can get back on the ice." I said so he would know why I took him from the ice. He responded with and simple ok and follow my gaze that landed on a little girl that couldn't get her triple Lutz. I watched her fall a couple of times to see why she kept falling. I look around to see if her parent/s Were her and to my surprised shock there wasn't any parent with her. I gliding onto the ice and helped her out. She was having some problems apparently she have falling on the wrong angle which made her fall on the same elbow each time and now the elbow is covered in Frost so I decided to help her out. I brought her over to Shiro and I and we bought her some food and we got the first aid kit we wrapped her elbow in bandaged. We sat at a table near the bar on the side of the rink we got her pizza and we got ourselves food too. While we were eating I figured out that she was an orphan she comes to the week often but apparently I don't see her she wants to try out for competitions but she said she doesn't have enough money for a coach or new skates.

So I decided I will get a job and become her coach. I asked Jason if it was okay he said I was qualified apparently I've been skating for so long as the point where I could become a coach I was surprised. She went back home and so did I. When me and Shiro got home we were kinda exhausted. We literally flopped on my bed. We decided were to tired to make food for dinner since it was like 5:30 we order Saprino's. I got a Calzone and cheese breadsticks and Shiro just got salad and breadsticks. When our food came me and Shiro started talking about jobs I can get I was thinking I could help teach with computer in the college in the city not that far away. He was thinking the same thing but to highschoolers. Then I convinced him and he took my side and even agreed to drive me there when I'm ready. I got up from my food and went to my mom to tell her. "Mom guess what."
"What sweetheart ?"
"Well when I went it the rink today I meet the sweetest little orphan girl about 10 years old. And I'm deciding that I will become her coach and get a job and get a job to buy her new skates"
"That's Great were do you want to work at?"
"Me and Shiro were thinking I should work at the college in the city helping with computer science."
"Omg that's a great his for you and you'll do great now go back to your food" You could tell she was etsatic about my job.
(Sorry guys wattpad stories are making me not write my stories but I will be updating more between today and January 15 due to the fact I can't write 3 stories at the same time.

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