P 7 : The Kiss and The Confession

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"Why do people assume were together all the time. I mean I would expect that from You and and allura but ME that's never happens it would be weird if we were together anyway right Shiro."

"Honestly I don't see anything wrong with us dating. Your so talented and beautiful Katie... Just having an relation ship on the team can mess up our sync and prevent us from forming ."

"Oh yeah." Katie said sadly " your right well lets get home before mom gets worried ."**Katie** Why does my chest hurt really bad all of a sudden? Am I walking faster? What's happening to me?**

"Katie are you OK?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"Are you sure?"

"YES. I'M FINE!" I unlock the front door and run to my room. As fast as I can as long as I can get away from Shiro.

**Shiro** Did i say something wrong I hope she knows  I love her with those big hazel eyes her beautiful heart , but how can I tell her I could destroy the whole team. Know what I'll tell her but I should give her a minute. I'll tell her tonight.**

**Katie** Does he know I like him i'm so stupid. How could I ever think a guy like him could fall in love with a girl like me. A girl like me doesn't deserve so much love. at least not from him.**

But instead of crying all afternoon I fell deep into my dreamless sleep hoping my tears won't be seen through the light foundation I was wearing. I hate this but slowly I started to sleep and the darkness overcame me. Shiro was confused. What did he do so he went up stairs to see Katie. but she was asleep a 7:03 weird maybe a nap. So shiro went down stairs to watch a movie till pidge woke up. To ask her what the hell was happening between them.

~Time skip ~ 9:35

I woke up in my room on my bed I grab my phone to see it was 9:36 so went down stairs to make some coffee. I was on my way to the kitchen the light was off so of course I saw Shiro making popcorn and apparently watching  power rangers. So i avoided him. I walked around him and started the coffee machine. We stood there in silence till our things were done. He went to watch his movie. While I poured my coffee and cream with a lot of sugar in a cup . I walked into the living room and sat to watch the movie.

"Has my mom came back yet?" I asked shiro. Hoping she came back.

Shiro answered " Yeah she came back she's should be asleep by now she came an hour ago."

"Ok. And Shiro can we talk about something?"

"Sure" He answered. " Can we talk in my room? If that's ok ?" 

"Yeah sure" We walked up stairs Katie sat her coffee on the night stand. Shiro plopped himself onto the bed and Katie sat next to him in a cross legged position." U mm- Look Katie what the  hell is going on between us? " he said cutting her off. She got up and got really close to him and their lips were so close and they both decided to kissed each other.

"Shiro i'm sorry that was - No Katie I love you and you can't change that I love how your so determined and smart with those big brown eyes of your's I love you Katie and i will always love you . do you accept my feelings?"

"I love you .Takashi" I started to cry a little. But he was so comforting and warm.I love him and i would never want to let go of the love he has given me . I moved my face out of his neck and we looked at each other for a seconded until we smashed our lips together . We decided to go to sleep cause that day was very confusing and crazy so I got the way and we went to sleep.

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