P 3 : Grace And Feelings?

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Lance looked like a coach everyone was ready to start except me  so lance went first this was his routine 

His was beautiful but I am more graceful so Lance got a 8.6 on the meter impressive but i can do better "Top that pidge " "Well that's an old routine iv'e seen it a million time this is more graceful than shiro's eyeliner"

"Whatever you say 'Ice princess' DORK"


Once I got on the ice all eyes were on me and I had calmed down a little.Then Shiro looks at me , wait he's starring . I start to blush cause he started to blush but then the music starts and i get lost in melody./Like always

My score was OMG i never got that before this is surprising yet satisfying 

I got a 9.3 I NEVER got a 9.3 so i bowed and when I lift my head I see every one get on the ice (With ice skates and skate with me ) Shiro was actually pretty good i saw hunks little sister having trouble so me and Shiro went to help her . Hunk came over to pick up his little sister so it was just me and shiro. Blood rushed to my cheeks he chuckled as he put his head down and bowed "May I have this dance" He said teasfully. " Why yes good sir. " I threw back at him. Till we danced and danced to the point , "I think we should stop. my feet hurt bad." 

"OK." he said more monotone than ever

Then mom came over "Takashi your mom said that you can stay with me cause she's still in the hospital. Is that OK with you?"

"Yes Ms.Holt i would be happy to be living under your roof until the end of our vacation"  **Katie** HE SAID THAT SO HAPPY ALL OF A SUDDEN** then i took out my phone and noticed it was night time so we all decided we would spend the first 2 night at our parents then at the castle. **Katie** Wait  what if mom moved. are all of my old projects still there wait what if takashi has to sleep on the couch i don't like people sleeping on couches you know what just calm down what could happen in three days that would change your life**

( Sorry guys I got into the mood to write so here's another chapter from your girl 

Garnet also the ages for this story are


Pidge/Hunk: 18

Lance/Kieth: 19

AND Garnet Out Next chapter 4 on Monday for sure and i'm 


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