P 23: 2 Month time skip: Life

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Its Febuary now.I have been working at the college for a month now and I already love my students. I am giving them an essay and it's due in a week so I don't have to give them any other hw besides to study for the test 3 days after the essay is due.
Me and Shiro will soon be Celebrating our year anniversary and if you wondering yes I did get him a gift. The college teaching job actually paid more than I thought it would. I got Casey her skates. Casey is the name of the orphan I started to mentor. She is becoming a great skater. I slowly learned about her after the months of teaching her. She is 10 turning 11 in March. Her parents died in a fire and she was the only survivor. Thus is were I told her about myself and my father and brother and what happened. We were very close after that I basically take care of her. Me and Shiro are way closer and I know what your thinking no we haven't done it . We both don't think weren't ready for that yet. Next week is our anniversary and I for some reason I feel like he's planning something big cause all he's been doing is rushing around. Did I mention Shiro got a job at the garrison but he said itll be a while before he goes back into space unless it's for official Voltron business. All I'm hoping is that he's not going to strain himself over this.

Shiro Pov~haven't done one in awhile~


am totally straining over this anniversary . I got something for Katie. I'm just hoping she will except it I really hope she does. Like this gift.
Back to Pidge Pov~
I was so happy soon Casey will be going to her small recital she signed up for and has her own solo part. She learned to express herself thru it the same was I did.she was so ecstatic about her part she decides to wear the skates I got her and an old ice princess dress of mine.

she was so ecstatic about her part she decides to wear the skates I got her and an old ice princess dress of mine

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When I got her the skates she was so happy they were light blue leather skates with floral pattern from the inside of the skate. She absolutely loved them.

I told her about the anniversy and she started teasing me about Me and Shiro she does this even when has here and making us both blush. I've been balancing time since work is nothing to worry about this weekend me, Shiro and the crew are going to the mall. My friends Fredrica, hiro and Jason said they'd come too Zoey and Amanda were coming either way. They say their not letting me pick out my own clothes or I would be in fashion jail. We went to the mall and this time went all out since spring is starting soon. And yes Amanda picked out my outfit saying it shows of my curves and will get Shiro all on me. I told her no it wouldn't but she still wasn't convinced

I got my black pumps and i noticed I was really feel in myself due to my birthday count down in 2 months. I came down stairs and everyone was their so we were taking Shiro' s lion as soon as I come down stairs Shiro is attached to my side. We were going and soon we get in Shiro's lion and zoom off Shiro makes me stand by his side all the time.

We got to the mall and automatically me and the girls except Allura cause she was still confused about earth things. We went to h&m and then PINK and after that hot topic we may be kinda peppy but emo clothes are cool.

In the end let's just say Shiro,Keith and Jason had to carry a lot of our bags. We actually made it to the food court. Then out of no where "Guys me and Zoe have something to tell you" Jason said standing up.

"Well it can't be that bad spit it out already"I said egaer for an answer.

"Well we wanted to tell you we started dating each other for a while"he said and I was shocked.

"And you didn't tell me wow congrats on dealing with this one" I said nudging her in the arm. Wow first klance , me and Shiro bow Jason and Zoe. This is going to be along day for us all.
(Updating very soon see y'all see ya

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