P 21:Wasted Actions

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(My original drawing above👆👆👆)
She woke up in her bed with a strong headache. I look to the side to see SHIRO. I check under the blanket and we were both still clothed mostly. I was only in my sports bra thought. Huh? Weird. I went to the bathroom to take a shower then I remember my clothes, went back in the room and grabbed my clothes for the day.

 I went to the bathroom to take a shower then I remember my clothes,  went back in the room and grabbed my clothes for the day

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I mean it did recently become fall. I went in the bathroom and undress but when I looked in the mirror. OMG is that a HICKEY!!! The were all down the side right of my neck. I decided to change into a black turtle neck instead. When I went back in the room and grabbed the aspirin and went down stairs to see everyone knocked out on the couches. I went to the kitchen got a glass of water and took the pill I had gotten. I started making breakfast while trying to remember what happened last night. Did Shiro give me the hickeys? I thought while making eggs and pancakes.

When I finished i put aspirin and cups of water on the table cause i know their going to have hangovers. I finished my food and went upstairs.
"Oh I see your awake Shiro um go down stairs and eat after i have to talk to you "Ok I'll be done in a minute"he went down stairs and ate apparently the other woke up while he was eating cause when he came up. I heard mummbleing from down stairs. "So what do you want to talk about katie" he said walking in. "Can you close the door" I said and he did.
"Um Shiro do you remember anything from last night?"
"Now that you brought it up, I don't why? " I pull down the neck of the black turtleneck he gasped.
"Are you sure you dont remember cause I don't know if I should just hide it with makeup or what."she said worried when they would go away. "Katie is it okay if I kiss you?"
"Cause you talk to much.." then his lips connected with hers. She kissed back he licked her lip asking for entrance. She denied. He slowly stated to fight for dominance and he slowly crawled over her small body that was now laying on the bed. They decided a nap wouldn't be that bad since they don't have anything planned for today they fell asleep.

Somehow they knew this was going to be a long day.
(See you soon

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