Pt 24: Home Finally

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All week Shiro has been treating me like a queen even if we both are at work. I remember the time he applied for a teaching position at the garrison they were so shocked seeing him. I mean I was to at first. Today we both took off work for the anniversary. He said he planned something Im still wondering what it is he said it was very important if your wondering what I got him. I got him a new arm an altean one.

He always worried about him betraying us and hurting me on accident. So while I was on break at the school I was working on it even when the kids where just working they know about me and my space thing everything. They kinda found out about shiro thru the fact that he picks me up from the college sometimes. The kids were so supportive even helping me and I would also teach them about it. Only cause those science whizzes were so curious.I put it in a long present box. "Katie sweetheart um.. I want to you to wear something nice cause I'm taking you out today for our anniversary" Shiro said coming upstairs from making breakfast. "Okay I'll be down soon" I said and started thinking of what to wear. I decide Classy and Casual. So I grabbed a empress crop top jeans open toe heels and a snake purse and yes an pastel green leather jacket.

I went downstairs to be greeted with Shiro eating bacon and waffles he made with another plate next to him for me I sat next to him and devoured the food causing him to laugh s he at his food

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I went downstairs to be greeted with Shiro eating bacon and waffles he made with another plate next to him for me I sat next to him and devoured the food causing him to laugh s he at his food.

After that me and Shiro got in his car and drove me to a park it was a Familiar park. Then it came to me this is the park me and Matt met Shiro when we were 4. OMG he remember I am so close to crying. He guided me thru the park to the bench he sat me down as he slowly sat down as if I would run away at any moment. He sat down next to me and started, ¨Katie remember this place about 10 years ago we met. Remember when I broke my arm here when we were 8 and you said you would kiss it better and I blushed so much that day. Katie I love you with all of my heart and if you were to suffer I would feel the pain 10x worse but if you let me can I take all of that pain away Katie Holt..." He got down on one knee and tears started to brim my eyes "... will you do me the honor of making me happiest person alive and becoming my wife" Shiro said as he pulled out a velvet box with a beautiful ring.

 will you do me the honor of making me happiest person alive and becoming my wife" Shiro said as he pulled out a velvet box with a beautiful ring

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"I... Yesyesyesyesyesyes I will .m" as she said that Shiro put the ring on her finger and got up and hugged her. This was the best day of his life.
Will be back soon very soon

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