P 12: FUN at the mall with the SQUAD!!!Also Familiar faces???

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We were planning to go to the mall to day we were going to take my lion. I invited my friends because why not?Zoey and Amanda came earlier they picked out a cute out fit . A cropped tee with a kitty on it and a leather universal jacket, Some summer glasses. Zoey but my hair in buns after I got my jeans and black wedges on. Before leaving I put on this emerald Shiro found and gave to me after a mission, I turned it into a necklace. By the time I was done everyone arrived at my house. Shiro was already downstairs and dressed. We already ate cause Shiro takes care of me all the time."Okay ya'll ready for a shopping spree." I said while grabbing mom's extra credit card she let's me use. I still had a couple hundreds in there. Every one replied with a 'yes' And walked out. I whistled and after a minute my lion came.

We all found a way to fit yet we were still comfortable.After 10 minutes of hearing everyone on their phones and talking. We arrived at the big mall in the middle of the city next to the school. I actually used to go there. Some fun days. We walked in and automatically Shiro was at Sephora. Keith was at Hot Topic, Lance was in Villa (The shoe store), And Hunk , Coran, And Allura went to the food court to have human food again. So i pulled out my phone and put all of the in group chat:

Katie: Ok guys meet me,Zoey and Amanda at the food court at 12:30 . Kay?

Lance: Kay, Kay pidgey

Keith:Okay see you guys there.

Shiro: Well be there.

Hunk: I'll watch over Allura and coran.

Alurra and Coran didn't have phone cause the didn't know how to operate and when pidge tried to show her she gave up and broke it. So Katie gave up teaching her."Okay guys their going to meet us in the food court at 12:30. So Victoria secret or Pink first?" I asked my remaining friends."PINK" They said in sync which is weird even for them. We walked in and automatically went opposite ways but were still close we can see each other.They decided to get matching outfits so we all got black leggings with pink down the sides.

I got the green hoodie crop top Amanda got the red tee crop and Zoey got the blue long sleeve crop top.We bought it and walked over to Victoria Secret and got 'girl stuff' Not one bit suspicious. we walked out with about 2 bags each. We walked over to Sephora where Shiro was still picking between getting purple eyeliner or his usual black.I walked up behind him and tapped his back lightly as to not startle him. "Oh hey pidge. Which do I chose.My usual right. Oh hey guys." He said noticing Amanda and Zoey.

"Get your usual. It looks better on you"

"Thank I needed help deciding."He said pecking at my cheek. I giggled. Zoey and Amanda were in the back 'Awww'ing . We started walking around buying make up. I just got foundation, eyeliner, and blush also lipstick. Zoey and Amanda got the same thing but different shades. By the time we were done it was 12:15 . "We should go to the food court now so we aren't late." Shiro suggested. We all agreed and went with him. I was checking my Snapchat cause and posed a picture of me on the saying' 'Bitch i live' then getting spammed with stuff like 'Where have you been?' and ' We all were thinking you just left.' Then I posted another picture saying 'If ya'll at the mall holler at me' I said that knowing the could get out of school for lunch and come here. It was cool. Once I walked in and was greeted by a whole lot of my friends Iv'e been with since middle school.

First there was Fredrica who I have known for so long I always loved her hair (4th year H/S). Then there was my dudes Hiro Hamada or a better description 'tiny shiro' we were the same age(4th year H/S), and then there was Jason Brickson he's probably the funniest person you will ever meet(4th year). After introducing everyone apparently the were on a half day I mean it is Friday it's only natural.We all sat down there was no space for Zoey so I got up and sat on Shiro's lap acting like it wasn't the first time (cuz it wasn't).

Zoey and Amanda were holding their laughs.Lance and Keith both looked confused and hunk didn't care/ "Should we tell them now" she said whispering in Shiro's ear he firmly nodded 'yes' to her "Okay guys we want to tell you something important." Pidge said getting Their attention. " Me and Shiro have been together for a bit now and we wanted to tell you guy so?" Pidge said holding Shiro's hands that were latched around her waist. She loved this man.

(Love ya'll sorry for ya'll who were waiting I was late. Sorry had to add Hiro hamada to this world. and thank you guys for 1.5 thousand views I never though of it to get this big thank you guy for reading my story and i hope you stick around till the end or even support other stories if you want. Once again thank you.

Garnet OUT!!!)

w c: 911 (Ironic)

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