P 9 : News and New Life

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Pidge woke to see Shiro laying next to her in her bed. She was stuck in his chest until he woke to the amber eyes he knew and loved. They both sat up pidge pecked at his lips before getting out of bed checking her phone. To see:

9 Missed Calls from: Allura

So she calls her back.

(italic : Alurra  Bold :Pidge )

Hey Pidge why didn't you call me 

sorry fell deep into sleep so what is it

some big new grab shiro and come to the castle now

Ok we'll be there in an hour just woke up need food well see you soon

*She hung up*

"Shiro we need to eat and go to the castle" Shiro sat confused." Ok i'll get ready and make breakfast." Pidge grabbed her clothes, and ran to the bathroom. While she did that Shiro put on some jeans and his regular shirt and went downstairs and made her cereal while she came downstairs."Mom were heading out we'll be back later" she informed her mom." Ok sweet heart. nothing after 11:00 right" she said worriedly. " Ok mom" she mumbled with cereal in her mouth. "Watch her for me ok Shiro." She yelled at Shiro. Katie got up and put her plate in the sink cleaned it out put it up and her and shiro grabbed the keys and left for the castle.

Everyone was already there. Keith,Hunk,Lance. When we got there Allura started "Ok paladins me and coran have some great news. " What is it ?" Keith and lance said in unison then turned away from each other due to blushing. " We are staying here in earth apparently Zarcon has died and we will let you guys stay here on earth!!" She said with happiness fro her friends. Then everyone erupted in 'Really's and 'OMG's especially lance . They could start a new life Katie thought. This is some opportunity she didn't want to mess up so 

see took it. Willingly 

(Sorry for the short chapter I'm going to be away from my computer for awhile but from now on this story is updated every sunday

Garnet OUT!!! ; )   )

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