P 16 : Were done for now I need a break

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Hiro :Where

Pidge :Zoe's Shiro doesn't know where she lives 

Zoey :KK 

Once I get home I decide to stay in my room till 4:30 cause it was only 2:46 and I needed time in my head. I start to get ready. I lock my door. Before grabbing pairs of clothes at least 6. and a pair of pajama's. Zoe's parents won't mind. Their basically like my second family. Their my escape. I pack all the stuff from my bathroom. Toothbrush, Face wash cloth, and a towel. I check the time 3:04 and then I hear something I don't want to. Their... Back... I think while checking my window seeing the last person -Hunk- walk in. Then I hear the door shut hard. Someone's mad. 

Then I hear Shiro. Knocking on my door. Hard. I don't answer. He knocks harder. So I do what I should I mean I am 18 I can drive. I open my door to see. Shiro saying something I can't hear. I have headphones on and on 100. I don't want to hear one word come out of his mouth. I think he's yelling now. All I hear is angered whispers from a ghost." I'm going to Zoe's for six days Mom." I yell so she know's. She text's me knowing I have headphones

Make the right choice

I text back:

I hope so

I grab my keys and get in dad's Toyota he had a silver  2017 RAV4. I've been driving it since he left.

It takes 20 minutes for me to get to Zoey's house. I decided to put on Matt's favorite song. March to the sea by Twenty One Pilots

I didn't notice I was crying until I got there and noticed the playlist ended. I grab my bag out of the passengers seat and open the door. Zoey had a bunk bed. I would usually sleep at the top. I knock on the door and check my phone. I'm early. Zoey opens the door her parents at work. "Hey your early what did you want to talk about?" Zoey started with a concerned look appearing on her face.

"Can we go inside I'll tell you when everyone comes"

"OK" she said with her concerned face growing more and more by the minutes passing. Amanda came on time so did Hiro. Jason came late which is something I can understand after what happened earlier. Once their all here we go to the living room. I started " So I called you guys here to get you opinion in my safe zone." I hesitated. I was thinking what do I say?

 " recently me and the others played truth or dare... Shiro got a truth and his question was who did he like before me ..."  I started to tear up. " He said... Allura. That.. broke,"Now my voice was cracking. "me. And I don't know if he can heal me. What do I do" by now I was crying. 

The boys and Amanda were ready to beat him to a pulp. But Zoey was holding them back as the civilized one. " I think you should lead him on" Zoey said automatically getting me hooked.I was listening." Once you lead him on tell him you want to get back together and that you were just scared and if he ask's what you say the future. I just works." For a girl who hasn't had a boyfriend ever she has always has good relationship advice . " Zozo is it okay if I stay for the week" She said yes. I'm lucky she was like the sister I always wanted.

3 day time skip~

 I stayed for the past three days were the same. Morning. Saying bye and have a good day at work to Zoey's parents.Texting my mom. Binge Netflix until Zoey comes back from school. Then girl-ing about what happened at school. Her falling asleep. Then me falling asleep texting Jason and Hiro on Snapchat. But I feel something is going to happen. Something important. Maybe ... I swallow the thought before  falling into a dreamless sleep.

(Sorry for a late update I was at what My school calls the Pajama Jam where we spend the night at the school but I was still editing just published late sorry.I will still update Sunday just in case your wondering. But until then OMG 2.7 K Were so close to 3 K please keep supporting it and see you Sunday!!!

Garnet OUT !!!) 

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