P 11: Confused and Lost

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Katie woke up at 10:32 am . She was still confused on her life she went down stairs to see shiro asleep on the couch. she decide to get some coffee. she was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating a bagel. She got a call from "The guy at the counter" It went like this

Katie:Hey what's up.

Guy:Hey if you want were having a free program over here so you can do your burn dance i could tell since you came back your confused. Need to get lost in mind. Right so I signed you up.. Just be here by 11:15 so you can be ready.

Katie:How did you know thanks. I'll be there.


Katie went to her room put her hoodie and some skinny jeans on and her Jordan's. She couldn't drive so she took her bike. She remembered routes by memory. She got there by 11:02 cause it wasn't that far and she was fit so she wasn't tired. Once she got there the guy gave her her snow white ice skates with a hint of blue. He kept her shoes cause she couldn't keep them at home and all the locker can't have skates inside.( By the way I'm going to start calling him Jason that's his name Official Jason...He's the same age as Shiro... and that's it continue.. )  She went to her specific locker and put on a skating gown that looked like this...

 )  She went to her specific locker and put on a skating gown that looked like this

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She stood in line on the side of the rink other people aren't supposed to go. She  was in line #13 she was just going to wait now.By now it was 1:00 The show was starting.

(Shiro's POV)(I'm going to be doing this sometimes when needed A/N)

Shiro got up at 12:00 witch was later than usual he got up and drunk some coffee. He ate some cereal.He thought it was quiet a little to quiet. He went upstairs and look into Katie's room not even seeing a letter. He contacted his lion in witch he had a strong connection to. He was worried he called up the gang .They were all shocked where could Katie be? They all got into Shiro's lion and flew of looking for her. They looked around and once they were over the ice skating rink. Shiro pointed something out"Hey that's Katie's bike" Shiro landed and walked out side the lion with everyone behind him. They walked in .

(No one's POV)

They walked in. Without Katie noticing.Then they hear while sitting down but still looking for her Announcer:

"And next we have what you all have been waiting for a long time skating champ aka Ice princess. Now this is her first audience in a while give it up for Katie Holt." Everyone got up and cheered. The gang turned their attention to the ice seeing Katie glide on. They waited till the end . This was her skate.(She looks like pidge too)

I was beautiful I was gorgeous but I was burning I was lost I was confused I was lost in song and mind . I couldn't think right. My body was burning . I'm still burning. I will continue burning until I can feel Love. That's how this song was intended to be and that's how she want it to be burning. By the end she was crying. She glided off and changed back into her clothes. She walked out and was bun-bared by Shiro hugging her.He took her home everyone else too. Once they entered their house. " Don't ever do that again you scared me ." He said crying into her shoulder."I won't i promised i will never do that again and promise me you'll be strong" He was confused "For what?" She responded " Nothing it's just... *sigh* I love you" She said hugging him tighter."Of course for you I will be strong" They stayed like that for a while. Burning lost and confused.

( I'm am so sorry i was late. So i gave you an extra 100 words. As you can tell iv'e been listening to a little more Hamilton than usual. Sorry guys im addicted. 

Garnet OUT!!!)

685 words

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