P 13 : Reaction and Mall Karaoke!!!, Free dinner

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"WOW Congrats " Allura said with a slight hint of jealousy and sarcasm that wasn't noticeable. "OMG how? When?Where?How?" Lance said repeatedly. "Ya'll so cute" Hunk said with Amanda and Zoey in the background awning. Hiro and Jason were giving shiro death glares both said at the same time "Hurt her and we'll kill you" still giving him death glares. "Amanda ,Zoey let's go it's  Friday Karaoke at the Mall's center.". We got up and everyone else followed.

 We walked into this giant dome in the middle of the mall called 'Karaoke Sing off Friday' We walked in and got cheers erupting from the audience. We were  regulars there know as the only trio to ever sing there "Looks like we have competition were not the only trio here" I said to Amanda and Zoey. We ushered everyone into the guest seats cause they came with us.

We walked on it was like a just dance board surrounded by the audience and circle with our names in each one a-lined with the audience we stepped on the one we usually used and our names popped up. There was an group with three boys and one with 2 backup boys and a female front singer. The boys were fist they were eccentric.

It made the audience pop. I start thinking up beat and fun for our song cause we cause when it starts. They got cheers we were last so I had time to think I was suppose to think of something we all can sing. Then I got it. The girl and her back ups were walking on stage and started the boys were exactly what I though backups to her voice.

They got big cheers too. Not surprised. we had our song "Rumors" I said to them so they can get their voices together.They walked off giving me a look I won't forget of malis It made me feel weird. We walked on the song starts and so do we.

We stopped and got a standing ovation we loved this song. It was relatable and something to connect to. We won with a meter of 9.5/10 a normal score for us.We won and got free pizza dinner at the Girodano's next door we walked out. "Wow I didn't know you could sing like that pidge" Jason said as we walked in and sat down. I ordered 3 Large pizza's 1 with pepperoni The other with sausage and bacon the last one a Hawaiian pizza Then ordered 3 more with the same toppings. "Why so much pizza pidge"Lance asked suspiciously. 

"One it's free and two Surprise were having a sleep over my house and mom and me don't make dinner like that" we sat at and talked for awhile we ate two of the pizza's while there we put the rest in leftover boxes. We put them all on my lion. I dropped everyone at their houses and they got their stuff and got back on. We went to my house and got ready. We put our Pizza in the big kitchen and sat there eating it.We took some of the boxes into the living room to play a death game of truth or dare also known as playing in the devils hand... (To be Continued)

(You guys don't know how much fun I had with making this part and OMG 1.9K were so close to 2K I'm so happy and thank you for the support and please keep reading . See you next chapter from 

Garnet OUT!!!)

wc :586

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