P 17 : Why are you here ? What?!

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I was waking up. In a daze. I notice I wasn't warm. I wasn't hugged. I wasn't next to Shiro. I felt as if I was going to cry. But as if they would free due to how cold it was. But I cried anyway. It was late so everyone was gone. I decide since i'm alone I can cry all I want to my hearts content. Or to what's left of my hearts content. I walk down stairs look at the clock and see it's only 11:40 so I get my late breakfast I grabbed eggs, bacon and bread. Making myself a omelet sandwich breakfast with bacon for one . I feel so sad. But that feeling is still there. Like something's going to happen.

I hear the door bell ring? I was confused so I ignore it. They never get package's and they didn't say they were coming home early. The door bell  rings again. I decide to answer it. I open the door to see someone I don't want to see. I see Shiro. And everyone else. " We were looking everywhere for you" Shiro says about to hug me. I dodge him stepping back into the house."What what's wrong?"He said starting to sound concerned. "Get away from me. YOU FUCKING DISLOYAL BASTARD GET OUT!" She said. She was angry why was he here? How did he even know how to get here? Can he just stay away from me? " Katie what's wrong. What did I do?" He was even more confused than before.

 "You loved someone else I  can tell. I can see it in your eyes you don't love me just go away." She was about to go away and slam the door in his face. But he grabbed her hand." Hey guys can me and Katie talk to each other alone." everyone stayed outside as the couple walked inside closed the door and sat on the couch."What did you mean when you said Allura? That hurt me alot. I remember when we were kids you used to talk about your crushes to Matt. You may think I wasn't paying attention. But I saw how you were acting that spark in your eye. I saw it again and it wasn't about me was it?

"Katie. I used to like her. And guess what I love you now. You don't have to worry about the old stuff old people I used to like. I love you now and that's all that matters. I love you Katie and you know that." Before the last line he walks over to hug her. for a minute she refuse's to hug back but when she did he was happy again. "Takashi... I love you" she said it and she's happy now. (I told ya'll this was still Shidge A/N) "Katie I love you too you know that" he said comforting her. " I know. Hey want to go visit my old school." She said wanting to see her friends. " Sure we can take my lion."

No one 's POV ( Author POV)

This gonna get interesting (BACKSTORY TIME)

( HEY guys sorry I'm late I basically slept all through Sunday. and I had no homework to day so why not right. And if you guys are interested in my social media you can follow me on pinterest a GARNET THE FUSION or not in all caps I just like caps. And tumblr at brooke101art 


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