P 8 : Approval and Love

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Shiro woke to see pidge asleep using his chest like a pillow so he layed down for a while till pidge woke up. To her surprise to see shiro blushing then she smile remembering last nigh. She sat up and leaned in to give him a kiss. he loved her and he was sure she knew it. The Katie's mom called from downstairs.


Katie responded" BYE MOM"

"Want to do anything today?" Shiro said breaking silence.

"Yeah sure lets got to dunkin' donuts first I need a coffee and some munchkins" Katie responded

"Ok get changed and i'll have your favorite cereal ready for you. Ok?"

"Yeah sure " She gave him a kiss and ushered him out.Oh did she love him she walked to closet and grabbed a pastel green sweater a pale pink pair of pants.

Oh did she love him she walked to closet and grabbed a pastel green sweater a pale pink pair of pants

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Before she walked down stairs she saw a note on her lamp stand next to her bed It read:

"Dear Katie,

I will approve just don't rush into it. Ok .

Love, mom"

I walk down stairs slowly seeing Shiro stare " You look B-beautiful Katie... Here Lucky charms your favorite." He stated. "You remembered. It's been so long." She dug into her food. Shiro smiled in reaction to her cereal. "Hey Katie wanna go now" He asked since she was putting her bowl away." Yeah sure lets go" They intertwined hand and walked out the house.

"Katie what kind of coffee do you want?" She was thinking" A white chocolate mocha please and 30 chocolate glaze munchkins," she lowered her voice "some for you to" She said then smiled. They ordered the started walking home. " Katie can we consider this a stay home date if so lets watch some Netflix when we get back." She layed her head on his arm while walking " Sure." Once the got home Katie took her shoes off , put the bags on the living room coffee table and turned the TV on waiting for Shiro. This was a date with shiro, I love it .


"Coran. Guess. What!" Coran stood there confuse hearing the princess scream through the castle. "Zarcon and the galara empire has fallen and given up forever they put I through the streams on every planet. The paladins can stay on there planet and so can we!!!" She screamed at Coran. "That's great princess we'll tell the paladins tomorrow ok first you need to sleep" He said leading the princess to her room and leaving to got to sleep himself.

~Back to shidge~

"Hey shiro hurry so we can find a movie!" she yell at him from the living room to the kitchen. He came in with a smile and popcorn. " Hey lets watch divergent we haven't watched it in forever" she loved that movie she agreed.

-Time skip after movie-

I yawn and around the end of the movie my mom comes home from work seeing me asleep on shiro's lap as he watched the rest of the movie. " Take care of her for me she will need you please don't hurt her." She was concerned for her daughter and the fact that her anxiety levels went up from 30% to 60% which scared her but then he answer her concerns. " I Love her and I would never hurt Katie I love her to much to do anything to her and I will protect her with my life." he said while stroking Katie's hair " Ok and once again you do have my approval at all times. Ok."

"Yes Ms.Holt I love her dearly and would never hurt her" he said laying his head on the couch are arm and falling asleep Katie.

(OMG have you seen the views thank you guys so much for over 500 views and i love you guys also if you need it i recommend reading the divergent book i just started and it is the bomb

Love you gems

Garnet is OUT!!!)

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