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The sound of my alarm clock echos through my girlfriends apartment. I roll over to meet an empty cold bed and the sound of the shower runs in the background. I get up and get changed into a sweatpants and a light blue hoodie. I hear the shower turn off so I grab my socks and walk downstairs. I sit on the counter and slide them on along with my black vans. I grab a water bottle and sit on the counter taking sips from it. I wait for about 20 minutes before getting fed up.


I hear footsteps and Camila walks to me handing me my phone and she holds our book bags. I hop down and look at her. She says nothing, I'm assuming because of the argument we go into last night which ended with me threatening to leave. Which I am after school, I told her and she hasn't said a word to me since. I sigh and we walk out the car. The silent car ride makes me become slightly worried. This isn't Camila. I mean yes we don't talk after we fight but this is different. She wont look at me and she keeps me from getting her math homework so I can copy it, which she usually lets me do.

We arrive at school and she parks in the spot she usually does. We get out and I grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder. She walks to me and grabs my waist pulling me to her connecting our lips. I smile and she pulls away, we part our separate ways on campus. 

Soon its lunch and Camila isn't around. She hasn't answered my texts or calls and I'm seriously worried. 6th period is math so the second class after lunch. I have science next period so I just make my way to the building. Climbing up the stairs to the fourth floor I sit in the hall next to the door of my class waiting for the bell to ring.

Its towards the end of 5th period when a loud noise ring in the halls. The teacher suddenly locks the door and shuts the lights off and ushering us to the corner on the class. I take my phone and see 6 texts from Camz.

I'm coming to get you

What class are you in


Science right?

Okay well we need to talk

im a few doors away.

I reply multiple times but I get no reply. I hear the door rattle and the handle turns, the door opens and Camila runs over grabbing me and walking out into the hall with a tight grip around my upper arm. I stop and pull away from her. Her hand stays in her pocket and I cock my head looking at her.

"Dont ask, dont say anything just fucking comon."

I don't say anything. I just back away and turn quickly on my heels and taking off running down the hall. A loud sound echos off the walls, I dive to the cold tiled floor and I hear footsteps. I go to get up to continue running down the long corridor but as I push myself up, I soon find myself face to face with the cold tiled floor once again. I pull my body only inches from where I fell as the adrenaline in my body soon is replaced by a paralyzing fear. My heart pounds as the footsteps grow heavier and closer to my now motionless body. I swallow hard and go to turn my body to face Camila. Pain instantly spread like wild fires across my skin. Catching a glimpse of the deep crimson stain slowly spreading across the light blue shade of my hoodie. My mind goes into a frenzy of thoughts trying to figure out if this is real or if I'm dreaming.

Wake up, no get up. If you are dreaming get your ass up. What did I do? Was it from years ago when I ran from her as kids beat her up at the park or last night. We fight like normal people in relationships do but sometimes its really bad. I don't understand. I cant speak. The pain is getting worse and she's standing over me. Someone help please. Tell me this is just a nightmare and I'm going to wake up soon. Help

I just let my body drop against the floor again. I look at the end of the hall and I pick my head up. I get a grip on the floor and use the pain to give me a reason to get the hell away from her. I hear a chuckle and her figure moves in front of me. She crouches down in front of me and looks at me, her eyes seem burn into me, I look at her and watch her place the pistol against my forehead. The warm metal pressed against my forehead soon disappears in a flash. 


Pulling the trigger the first time was harder, the second time however was like an meeting up with an old friend. As her head snapped back I saw the whites of her eyes as they rolled lifelessly back. Looking down at myself I've realized I cant get out of this. I have pieces of blood filled with white chips and flesh causing me to shoot up to my feet. I look down the hall and Its like I'm looking in a mirror. I see myself and Y/n laying lifelessly at my feet, I'm covered in, well, her and  the mess I have created.

Shouts pull me out of my mind and the mirror in front of me shatters to the floor to nothing. I look and see Officer Jones walking my way slowly. I move my hands to my sides as he stands only a few feet from me.

"I-I'm sorry I-I don't know why i'm doing this" I sobbed, my hands shake and my body trembles.

"It's Camila right??" I nod "Okay, Camila I need you to give me the gun and everything will be okay. Why don't you tell me what happened okay?"

I make no effort to speak again, I just nod and lift my hand with the gun in it. As he reaches for it I pull the trigger, his body hits the floor with a thud and I make another shot ring the halls. I feel a pain in my arm and I look down and see blood dripping down my hand.

"Ouch" I say quietly and look up to see but am soon met by darkness as my body hits the floor.

I guess its over now.


SO this is a quick update and its kinda crazy but hope you like it though. Leave feedback and im taking requests so comment them or inbox them to me. Don't forget to vote and share if you please..

Have a great night/day and be safe and stuff

(Not edited to fix any mistakes yet)

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