N.K °Dance Class°

410 6 0

Normani's pov

I sat in the back of the class full of students and mirrors. I quietly stretched before standing and continuing to stretch my legs and back. The echo of the door slamming in the room causes me to jump and shoot my eyes to the door to see our instructor walking in. I sigh and move to my spot looking at her as she plugs up her iPod to the speaker and playing the song for our routine. We have been working on this group dance for months and the competition is in about 3 months. We have had days were we didn't even leave the studio for 8 hours. It's crazy but worth it definitely for the long shot. We have a long way to go but we are getting there.

After going through our movements many times before she stops the music and sits us in a circle and criticizes us to build us stronger.

She gets to me and she says that I just look bored. But that's not true. I'm just really fucking exhausted. Everyone is taken from their thoughts when the door opens and a girl walks in. Her black hair falls to her lower back, her eyes a bright blue shine under the studio lights and she's perfect..

"I'm new to this class..and I was running late.." She mumbles quietly and looks down.

"We aren't accepting new dancers. It's too late to join we are already 3 months from competition so go home and let us work please."

"I'll show you a choreography I made up..please this is all I put my money into.."

Our teacher scoffs before standing and unplugging her iPod and telling the class to move to the sides. She smiles softly before walking to the speakers setting her things down and plugging in her phone playing a song. She slides her shoes off before walking to the middle of the room and sits on the floor waiting for her cue  I'm guessing.

It was like watching an Angel float from fucking heaven the way she danced. I was interested​ and In awe. She finished soon as it started it seemed. She was weightless dancing. It was her thing, dancing was her passion. It was her.

"Okay, who is willing to teach her the choreography?" Our instructor asked. Everyone raised their hand except me. I hid in the shadows of the others as I found myself lost looking at her.

"Well, new girl. Pick someone, learn fast, and you better know the choreography in 2 weeks. We have class 4 times a week so that should be enough time. Classes can last up to 8 hours and  sometimes we sleep here to be able to work on it more. We have showers and lockers so no belongings in the studio." I listened as the young girl nodded and looked around.

I watched as her eyes scan the group. Her eyes land on mine for a second before skimming to the other girls and picking on Caroline. She smiled and walks over and they started talking.


After the class that lasted 6 hours almost. We were all burnt out. We made our way to the locker room and changed and shit before making our way to the parking lot. I walked to my car quietly with my phone gripped in my hand. I hear footsteps nehind me and causing me to turn around quickly and being met face to face with the new girl. I let out a shaky breath and back up giving space between us.

"Im Lexa..." She says looking at me and clearly taking in my body causing a blush to form on my cheeks.

"Normani, but everyone calls me Mani.. or Kordei"

She nods and smiles. Shes beautiful, like seriously.

I unlock my car and open the trunk putting my bags in it and I turn and face her again catching her looking at my backside causing her to blush.

"Can you teach me the routine..and in return..I can show you a choreography I know?"

"Uhhh sure..we can go back inside if you arent too tired.. from tonight"

"Lets go then." She smiles as I lock my car and walks back inside with her and walking into the studio turning the lights on and plugging my phone up to the speakers.

I accidentally click the wrong song but before I can change it a chair is dragged to the middle of the floor. I look in the mirror and watch as this bitch starts dancing with the chair as a prop. LAWD on my soul.

Ive never wanted to be a chair so bad in my life.


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