L.J°Tell Me°

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I sit on my phone and watch as my girlfriend who is 7000 miles from me talks to the interviewer about her new music and things like that. She looked extremely hot today and the way  the sun hit her skin and her dark eyes. WOOh. I smiled as she talks about her upcoming tour and songs she plans to feature some people in. I just sit and watch in basically awe of her.

"So Lauren, We hear you are still in your old band mates? Is that true?"

"Yes, of course, we are family and I wouldnt be here without them." She smiled

"What about the early departure in 2016 Named Camila Cabello?"

I saw as her face kinda lit up at her name. My heart stopped for a second before she opened her mouth to speak.

"Yeah but its rare. I plan on making songs with the girls in my next album. Either all together again like old times or alone with them.." 

"Okay so some fans are familiar with you hanging out and talking to this girl..is she someone special or?"

"W-Well, yeah, I am talking to a girl. But she is just a friend. No feelings except as friends. I miss her though, haven't seen her in a while. But yeah like I said, shes just a friend." She blushes faintly and runs her fingers thru her hair flipping it over to the other side.

My heart dropped hearing that. No matter how many times Ive heard it. It hurts like hell. I shook it off and grabbed my phone and texted her.

'I miss you, cant wait to call you tonight love you'

I watched as she excused herself before taking her phone out and smiling causing my heart to flutter. She sets her phone face down on her lap and smiles continuing the conversation.

"Whooo was that??"

"Camz. She wanted to know if we could meet at the recording studio this week around 11pm so we can catch up." She lied, but hearing her call her Camz sent jealousy thru my body.

"So how is the relationship life with THE Lauren Jauregui?"

"Uh well it sucks ass because I'msingle and I cant find anyone around who actually cares for me and stuff like that..you know. But I have my eye on someone.."

I shut the laptop and sat back in my chair sitting in kinda shock. I mean yeah she has denied our relationship but hearing that, made it feel as If I did not exist. I grabbed my phone and decided to text her again.

'Okay I get denying our relationship but that last statement Hurt Lauren. I dont think I wanna call tonight. You may be too busy with 'Camz' or the person you have your eye on. Im going to bed. Bye Lauren'

I opened my laptop back up and I watch as her eyes scan her phone screen, her face flushes white and she goes to reply but then stops and I watch as she holds back tears as her eyes suddenly become lighter. She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out except for seconds later.

"I lied ab-about uhm..being in a relationship..Well actually Im not sure if we are still together or my lies just fucked it up..." My eyes widen at her sentence.

"Tell me and tell us fans who you seem to be with..?"

"Y/N..." Her face seems suddenly flush and her eyes darken and yet again her hand tangles into her hair.

I look at the screen in shock as I pick up my phone hitting the call button.

"i'mkinda busy.."

"Yeah well tell me, when did we talk about coming out? to the world?"

"I wasnt going to lose you"

"Okay yeah...well what if they dont like me, what if the world hates me Lauren..then what?"

"Then I will love you even harder and I will try.."

"Tell me you love mee"

"I love you"

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