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I was walking down the hall to my class when my eyes meet with the most beautiful pair of brown eyes. They darken as they walk towards me and I quickly spin on the heels of my feet and quickly pushing my way through the hoard of Zombies- I mean students that were awoken at 6 am. Ignoring the rude remarks as I shove through not caring if Im not being nice or polite. Like fuck that.

I make it to the stairs, the smell of musty sweaty man burns my nose as I run up the stairs. You may be thinking; 'Why are you going the long way to your class to avoid one person?' Well that Brown Eyed beauty happens to be a person you do not want to cross with. I haven't told anyone about this, not even my best friend Ashlee or boyfriend Lukaz. She hasn't physically touched me yet but I have a feeling it wont be long before I'm covering up bruises.

I'm finally at my class and the second I step in the bell rings. I let out a breath I seemed to have been holding. I walk to my seat and pull out my History book which may I say, weighs more than my 15 year old brother. I take out my notebook and flip to a clean page. My fingers graze over the crisp cleanly lined paper as I grab my pen writing the date in the top left corner.

Mr.Colin speaks as he makes his way to the front of the class. I cant really make out the first few words since his accent is thick. He is from New York and we are in Arizona so its fairly new to him. Its quiet here in the town I live in, nothing really happens. Maybe A shooting or a missing kid every once or twice a year but that's really it. Nothing interesting like a murder or shit like that. Not that I would want that to happen in this town but dear god I'd love something on the news once in a while other than "Thunder Storms gather the skies for the week" or "A dog was ran over and the owners are pressing charges" like seriously. Not even at the schools, its seriously so safe here that you feel like your head is going to explode from nothing ever happening. Food fights never happen either which is boring and there is no fights or nothing. A couple unknown bullies here and there. And sadly I know one.

Not realizing I zoned out until I'm suddenly shook by a student saying there is a fire drill. I get up and walk out with the rest of the class and melting into the crowd of teenagers. To my luck guess which group I'm shoved back into in the hall getting separated from my class.

"Hey so how about this time you don't walk away from me"

I feel a hand on wrist and I try to jerk it away. The Ice cold fingers wrap tighter around my thin wrist causing me to stop dead in my tracks I feel my body being pulled to a vacant empty corner as the Brown eyed girl towers over my skinny body.

"Why are you so god damn skinny. What does your boyfriend even have to fucking cherish?" She spits looking at me in disgust.

"I dont eat often.." 

"Well why not?" She asks, sarcasm in her voice. 

"Get the fuck away from me.." I mumble as students pour from the school outside still. I close my eyes as the loud blaring alarm echos in the hall causing my mind to flip its shit. 

"Nah im good here."

"P-please Dinah..." I whimper and look at her then down at the floor. 

I feel her back away but im soon met by her body shoved on my pressing me into the corner even more. Her weight soon disappears as she turns around looking for whoever shoved her. She shakes her head and soon the Brown eyed girl is yet again, gone, lost in the sea of students. I make my way into the crowd and outside. I look around and go find an empty place to hide while my chest tightens with every step. I feel hands wrap around my waist and I quickly turn around only to see Lucaz. I sigh and shake my head walking away.

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