Chapter One

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Lara's POV:

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Lara's POV:

The sound of the boys talking sounded distant, as I looked out of the window and focused on the sound of the furious rain hitting the car that resembled greatly shots being fired away. The city landscape that I looked at out if the car's window was only made up of black silhouettes, the buildings barely visible against the sky that was covered in dark, somber looking clouds.

My heart hammered against my chest and my stomach tightened so much that made me feel awfully nauseous, the car's irregular rocking due to the fast go and stops caused by the heavy traffic only adding on to this feeling. I knew that Tom would have been more delicate on the accelerator in other circumstances, but today he knew that I preferred to feel sick over not managing to get there on time.

Absolutely anything to not risk getting there late.


I am snapped back to reality at the sound of Tom's voice, and I lean forwards, putting a smile on my face. I was not letting the traffic ruin my day, and there was no one better than my best friends to make me cheer up and forget about my worries. Tom looked quickly at me through the rearview mirror, his dark brown eyes meeting my hazel ones expectantly, waiting for me to have his attention before looking back towards the road ahead.

"Yes?" I ask.

"So why don't you tell Harrison here that Spider-Man would definately win, considering I am him?"

I didn't even have time to comment, because Harrison, who sat in the passenger seat, quickly cuts me.

"No way, that makes it even more likely that Spider-Man would lose! It's Batman we are talking about here!" Harrison insists.

I roll my eyes, disbelieving these guys. "Honestly, I can't believe that after all these years you still fight over this. You are both twenty one and you still fight over this the same way you did when you were twelve." I chuckle.

"I will fight until my very last breath, Lara, this is a serious matter! Or Harrison could just admit that Spider-Man is better, and I'll stop." Tom says deadly serious, his eyes narrowing and his jaw, tense. Harrison and I burst out laughing at his intense expression which made him seem right out of a thriller movie, which causes Tom to end his act and chuckle too.

"Another way that this fight could be finished with would be by you joining my side and just telling Harrison that Spider-Man would win." Tom insists.

"No Lara tell Tom that Batman would win!"

"Guys, it's obvious who would win," I say deadly serious, and they both drop silent as they wait for my answer, anxiety dense in the air. I had never took a side, so this was new to them and they were in disbelief. I secretly thought that that Spider-Man would legitimately win, but I never admitted it, since I did not want to take sides. This was their fight and I didn't want to be dragged into the middle of it no matter how much they wanted to drag me in.

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