Chapter Seven

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Tom's POV:"Heyo," I say to the camera, and therefore to all my followers that were joining the livestream

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Tom's POV:
"Heyo," I say to the camera, and therefore to all my followers that were joining the livestream. "How are y'all doing?"

I was sprawled on the couch, my head accommodated on one hand, while the other held the phone to my face.

"How am I?" I say, reading one of the comments. "Good. But bored. So is Haz- say hello Harrison!"

I turn the phone to Harrison who was also sprawled on the couch not far from where I was. He barely raises his head, his chin resting on his chest in the very poor, quite awkward position he was lying in. He looks up from his phone, and waving at the camera he gives a very bored hi.

"We're clearly very bored. Just finished wrapping up the last scene for today of Chaos Walking." I continue reading the comments. "How's my nose? Much better thank you!" I laugh.

We really had nothing to do, and normally Lara is the one to get us up and doing something productive (at least make us watch Netflix, but we were too lazy to even set it up). But well, she wasn't here.

I was reading through the incoming flow of comments from even more followers that opened the livestream, and come across someone who asks exactly what I was thinking about.

"Where is Lara? She ditched us to go to a date with Shawn." I narrow my eyes teasingly.

I say that without thinking, with the intention of throwing some shade and to cause some laughs. However my smile quickly dissolves and my eyes widen in realization. I sometimes forget the fact that we are famous. That people cared about who we were with, who we dated, and so on.

Lara already gets a hell load of hate because of the few interactions she had with Shawn publicly. And having my comment piled on...

I turn to Harrison, and exchange an alarmed gaze with him. He quickly realized exactly what I it had just dawned on me too:

Lara was going to kill me.


Lara's POV:

"Be prepared for failure. I'm awful at this." I say to Shawn, bending down to unzip my guitar from my case. We were in his hotel room, which could be considered an apartment by the amount of space and divisions. We both are sitting on the couch in the what would be the living room.

Although I wasn't looking at him I knew he was shaking his head, rolling his eyes. "Nah. I'm sure you're not that bad. And besides, practice makes perfect!" He encourages. I smile at his attempt, and awkwardly position the guitar on my lap. It was too big for me, and as I held my phone with the tuner app on one hand while I plucked the guitar with the other, I had to be careful for the guitar not to fall. I think Shawn noticed so too and found the view rather funny, as he had a small smile on his lips as if restraining a laugh. He follows my lead and also positions his guitar. I can't help but take a moment to take in the holiness that the Taylor guitar he was holding in his hands was. He swiftly plucks each string once, and knowing right away that it is in tune, he looks back up at me.

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