Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Lara's POV:

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Lara's POV:

Shawn's visit couldn't stop crossing my mind, but the accomplishing nature of the day managed to help me push it to the edge. It was still there in a corner, watching over me, haunting me. But it didn't stop me from enjoying the presence of my family, or the premiere.

I spent some quality time with my mum and sister during the afternoon, as we spent getting ready for the red carpet. When we were ready with nails, hair, make-up, and our dresses were on, I made sure to have a photograph of us three: my mum looking and feeling like the queen she is, my sister looking beautiful and showing the little firecracker she is, and me overusing the pockets of my dress.

I had seen the movie before in other premieres in countries where the movie came out before, but maybe there was something extra special when you watch it near to all those people that you love and have supported you. My parents, Isabella, Harrison, Tom, his family, even Zendaya. The positive reactions from them all, feeling the pride shining in my parents, it was all so gratifying. How my mum cried tears of joy after the movie and pulled me aside with my father to tell me how proud they are of me.

If there was a more impacting moment though, was with Isabella. When after watching the movie, and she held my hand as we walked, and I heard her say: "I want to be like you one day, Lara."

For the first few moments, I felt my heart melt, felt emotional tears build up in my eyes as I pulled her into a tight, bone-crushing hug. But then that old guilt that I had sealed up (or thought I had at least) came tumbling back, and I find myself wondering whether I want her to be like me. Because I'm someone who backstabs their boyfriend by kissing someone else. I'm a cheater.

But now I'm at the after-party, and I'm happy. I'm dancing with all of my friends, including David, Terrance, and Lee, all who worked with me in the movie. The considerable, but not overboard alcohol in my system helps push away that ghost to a dark corner of my mind, and muffle its consistent whispers, trying to break me. But I keep on dancing, keep on having fun.

At one point, I feel Tom's hand on mine, and I turn. He comes closer to my ear so I can hear him over the music, and he asks, "Can we go somewhere more... private?"

A pebble of nervousness settles uncomfortably on my stomach, but I nod.


Tom's POV:

As I walk up the stairs, one of my hands slinging back to eager Lara along, we come to the top, and I push the door open. Perfect. The terrace on the roof was silent, peaceful, and even had quite a beautiful view, as we looked quite above at the other buildings and the city lights shining like stars. Like the star beside me, not only for her talent of course, but mainly her heart. I turn to her, and watch Lara gazing out at the lights, a nervous sparkle in her eyes. I didn't doubt my eyes adorned a similar twinkle too, as I fumbled the hand that wasn't holding hers, readying myself to do the thing that I had wanted to do for years and years.

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